Anti-Racism Training & Title IV and The Episcopal Church Canons Training are being offered at the diocesan office, 1017 East Robinson Street, Orlando, on Wednesday, July 15th.
These classes are open to all. They are required for all people in the discernment process toward ordination. The Risk Management policies of the diocese also recommend the training for Supervisors and Decision-Makers, e.g. Standing Committee members, Diocesan Board members, Vestry members, and Boards of Directors for Schools.
The classes run “back to back”:
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Anti-Racism Training
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Title IV Training
There is NO cost Bring a lunch & Drinks will be provided SPACE IS LIMITED So that we may make adequate preparations for each class, please REGISTER/Confirm your attendance by emailing Marilyn Lang at