Diocesan Mission Day highlights the ‘hidden one-quarter’

By Linda Fox

To many of us, the whole topic of cross-cultural missions is something meant only for some Christians to get excited about. And the topic of frontier missions—taking the gospel to areas of the world where there are few or no Christians so that people can learn about Jesus for the first time ever—is an even further stretch. Mission Day, hosted by Anglican Frontier Missions at Canterbury on Oct. 30, showed that actually God uses frontier missions to grow us spiritually right here at home.

AFM’s specific focus is those areas of the world that still have no church. That’s one-quarter of the world’s population, located in India, China, Africa and the Middle East. As participants learned more about God’s heart for this “hidden quarter,” they found plenty to apply to their own personal journeys and their parishes.

Bishop Greg Brewer made a powerful point at the gathering, as he used Scripture, the Eucharist, and his own personal faith journey to show how letting ourselves be “broken” shapes us to carry out God’s mission wherever we are called. Missionaries’ sharing about unreached peoples triggered discussions about such issues as our stewardship of our own resources, what it means to stand firm in the face of persecution, and responding to God’s call.

During the panel discussion on energizing our parishes through frontier missions, we learned how we could engage the “hidden one-quarter” from home, through such things as hospitality to Muslims and other internationals, learning about missions and sharing in our parishes, and prayer. The closing worship time, blending music with prayer for the nations, was an opportunity to put our faith into action.

About the Commission
The members of the Central Florida Diocesan Commission on Foreign Missions are a diverse group of both laity and clergy from around the diocese, all with one goal: to help empower the Diocese to faithfully do our part in answering God’s call to join him in his work in the world. The commission facilitates the sending of diocesan missionaries and encourages overseas mission endeavors from within the diocese.

The Diocese of Central Florida currently has two missionaries: Fr. Stephen (former vicar of Coventry Episcopal Church, Ocala) and Mary Dass, ministering among homeless children and adults in the red light district of São Paulo, Brazil. They are a tangible witness to God’s love for these hurting people, who are ignored by most of society. They build friendships, minister to people’s physical and spiritual needs, and help youth to leave the streets and start a new life.

As our diocesan missionaries, Fr. Stephen and Mary rely on the spiritual and financial support of individuals and parishes in this diocese to keep their work going. We invite everyone to prayerfully consider being a part of their mission by acting as a “sender.” When people back home take their sending role seriously—by  learning about the ministry, praying for them, keeping in touch with them, and supporting them financially—they get to participate in the incredible blessings that come with cross-cultural missions. You will share that much more deeply in God’s heart, your own faith will grow, and you will see God’s love and power at work in wonderful ways—both in your own life as well as those of people far away.

Here are some ways you can be a sender for Fr. Stephen and Mary:

  • Join Fr. Stephen’s blog at spmercyministry.com
  • “Friend” Stephen Dass on Facebook
  • Keep in regular contact with Fr. Stephen and Mary:

197 Rua Francisca Miguelina, Apto. 102 CEP 01316-000 São Paulo-SP Brazil
Email: fr.stephendass@gmail.com

  •  Pray for them and the Sao Paulo Mercy Ministry. Include them in your parish’s     Prayers of the People
  • Give financially to support the ministry (tax-deductible)
  • Checks should be made out to DCF Missionary Outreach, with São Paulo Mercy Ministry in the memo line
  •  Mail your contribution to the Diocese of Central Florida, 1017 E. Robinson St., Orlando, FL 32801
  •  Take up a special offering for São Paulo Mercy Ministry during one or more parish services
  • Encourage your parish to include DCF Missionary Outreach in its annual budget
  •  Invite a member of the commission to speak at your parish or help arrange a São Paulo Mercy Ministry event:

Deacon Din Bissoondial, St. Peter the Fisherman, New Smyrna Beach;
email din@cfl.rr.com
Linda Fox, Church of Our Savior, Palm Bay; email llfox2@cfl.rr.com
Fr. Kevin Holsapple, St. Anne’s, Crystal River; email thomistic@embarqmail.com
Fr. Rob Lord, All Saints, Winter Park; email frrobl@allsaintswp.com
Luciane Marcus, Resurrection, Longwood; email luciane10@yahoo.com
Matt Marcus, Resurrection, Longwood; email mranmarcus@yahoo.com
Fr. Peter Roberts, St. Luke’s, Merritt Island; email stlukesmi@cfl.rr.com



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