Church Leadership Retreat March 13-14, 2015

Growing the Church in a Post Christian Age

With The Rev. Dr. Clay Lein
Rector/St. John the Divine Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas

There are moments: some that challenge us and cause us to question, “Where are we?” or “What direction are we going?” Some moments energize and fuel us; some moments enlarge our vision and speak to us as to what we are to do; some moments are affirming, letting us know we are on the right path in this journey. There are moments of frustration and wanting to give up; moments when we need help. All these moments form us on a personal level. We also need these moments as we consider the mission and ministry of the church. Such a moment is coming to Central Florida in the frame of a Church Leadership Retreat at Canterbury.

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“The Incarnational Identity of a Disciple of Jesus Christ….Say What???”

Cross1Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida

Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center
1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, FL 32765
April 11, 2015             9:00AM – 4:00PM

Sponsored by

The Order of the Daughters of the King

Guest Speaker: The Rev. Martha Horn, Province IV Asst. Chaplain

“ The Incarnational Identity of a 
Disciple of Jesus Christ….Say What???”

Martha HornReverend Martha Horn, a 2010 graduate of Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA was ordained to the diaconate in the Diocese of South Carolina in November and is presently at St. Luke’s Church, Hilton Head, SC for a season of discernment for priestly orders.

In 2012, she was installed as the assistant chaplain to Bishop William Skilton for the Province IV, Daughters of the King; an international order of prayer, service and evangelism within liturgical churches.

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A Celebration

a logo

Union of Black Episcopalians-Central Florida Chapter
Working Towards Social Justice and Reconciliation
P. O. Box 617497 • Orlando, FL 32861-7497

invites you to

A Festival Choral Eucharist Celebrating the Life of
the Reverend Absalom Jones



The Rev. Absalom Jones, First Black Episcopal Priest Founder and 1st Rector of African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas Philadelphia, PA

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The Rev. Dr. Martini Shaw Guest Speaker/Homilist UBE 2nd Vice President & 17th Rector of African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas Philadelphia, PA











Saturday, February 21, 2015,  10 AM
Cathedral Church of St. Luke
130 North Magnolia Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32801

The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, Celebrant

Featuring a mass choir of members of the parish choirs of the
Diocese of Central Florida

Hosted by
Diocese of Central Florida:
Anti-Racism Committee & Minority Ministries Committee
Union of Black Episcopalians-Central Florida Chapter

Proceeds to benefit the Episcopal Historically Black College & University:  Vorhees College & St. Augustine University

CDC Grant Statement and Grant Application


By Resolution of the Diocese of Central Florida during the 45th Annual Convention January, 2014, a grant program was established for congregation development within the Diocese as a new resource for growing existing self-supporting congregations and their ministry opportunities. This Statement of Grant is based upon the Grant Resolution and the “Five Strategic Points” contained within the Bishop’s address to the Convention January 25, 2014.

Self-supporting congregations are encouraged to apply for a Congregation Development Grant (1) to meet the needs of continued growth; (2) for new ministries; (3) for existing ministries needing new funding to expand; and, (4) other new parish initiatives. Additionally the grants may be provided for needed facilities, programs and, or staff.

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Read the January 2015 Central Florida Episcopalian

Download the PDF: CFE 01-2015

SPECIAL MISSIONS ISSUE 2015: What Does Getting Involved with Unreached People do for Your Congregation – Story on pages 6

3 Bishop’s Christmas Message (Listen online)

4 Fr. Vani Goes to the Bandi & Kissi

5 Solar Light for Africa

8 Grace Beyond Our Neighborhood

11 – 19 HONDURAS

20 Communicating Jesus to Our Muslim Neighbors

22 Interview: The Rev. Chris Royer

24 Perspective Course

25 History: Anglican Frontier Missions

27 New Wineskins Missionary Network

28 2015 Annual Diocesan Convention

Perspectives Course

Holy Apostles Church was considering sending a group down to Honduras in support of our diocesan missionary work in 2012.  In August of 2011, Fr. Norman suggested I take the course “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”, since I planned to go on the trip. The course was given only a few miles from my home, so I signed up—feeling that I was “doing my duty as Outreach Chair.”  I had heard about the Great Commission but I never felt the call to “go and evangelize.”  I knew Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations”  (Mathew 28:19), but didn’t think there was much I  or my little church could do.

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Parishes see the Power of Prayer for the Dong Unreached People Group

by Linda Fox

This is the story of a young man in China who “made it big”—by the standards of his village, that is. He lives in China, but is Dong—an ethnic minority related to the Thai people in Thailand. How does his story compare to other success stories you’ve heard?

“P” recently returned to his home town to become a school teacher. This is a huge achievement—he comes from a tiny village in an extremely poor province, where subsistence farming is a way of life and many kids have to drop out of school to help the family make ends meet. For the average young person, pursuing a better life means leaving the village for a factory job in the big city. Because he belonged to an ethnic minority, many Chinese assumed that P didn’t have what it took to get very far with his education—let alone make it through university and become a teacher.

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Central Florida acolytes visit DC

By Richard Clark, Acolyte Warden
Cathedral Church of St. Luke


The Orlando acolyte crew at National Cathedral

It was my pleasure to take 11 of our acolytes to the 35th annual National Acolyte Festival in Washington, D.C. We were joined by 675 acolytes from 92 churches throughout the United States. One of the highlights of this service is the Grand Procession, with acolytes carrying processional crosses, banners, torches, flags, thuribles, and liturgical umbrellas. Our Presiding Bishop, Katherine Schori was the presiding officer and homilist of this glorious festival Eucharist. Our acolytes renewed their vows of commitment as acolytes which, I feel ,draws us even closer. We spent most of the day touring and enjoying our National Cathedral. While in Washington, we were able to visit several historic places in our nation’s capital. On Sunday morning, we attended a glorious Solemn High Mass at St. Paul’s, K Street. This was an awesome trip for our teenagers as well as for the adults. This pilgrimage really binds us together. We go to the National Acolyte Festival every other year by raising money through car washes and some financial support from our parishioners.

This is a pilgrimage that I recommend all acolytes attend.