To you is born this day in the City of David a savior who is Christ the Lord

Bishop Gregory Brewer’s Christmas Eve Sermon 2014

Let us pray.

Gracious Lord, we thank you that in the midst of all that goes on in this very dark world, we can gather here and hear the lyrics, hear the melodies, hear the words of the Scriptures, and know that you call us into a place of genuine peace and joy. Open our hearts, oh Lord, to that very peace, to that very joy, the things that you give us, the gifts that come from your son; that we also might know that same peace and joy. Speak to us, Lord. Your servants are listening. For it is in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord that we pray. Amen.

I have to tell you that as Ben Lane was doing his interlude on the organ, as I was making my way down the aisle, a part of me wanted to actually dance a little jig down the steps. There’s a kind of lyric sparkle to this evening. I don’t know about you, But I need that sparkle.
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In The Philippines, More Than 1 Million Flee Typhoon Hagupit

From wire and staff reports

UPDATE, 5 p.m., Monday, Dec. 8, from the AP: LEGAZPI, Philippines—Typhoon “Ruby” weakened into a tropical storm Monday, leaving at least 21 people dead, forcing more than a million people into shelters but sparing most of the Visayas region still haunted by last year’s monster storm.
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[Sunday, Dec. 7, 2014] More than 1 million people have fled to shelters before the power of Typhoon Hagupit in the Philippines today, which has killed at least three people.

The raging winds toppled trees, tore away roofs and knocked out power in a region hit by a killer storm just over a year ago.

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The Parable of Ferguson

By Gerardo James de Jesus

The city of Ferguson, Missouri, erupted again on November 24, and nothing prevented it: not the pleas by Michael Brown’s parents for protests to be peaceful, not the diligent intervention of clergy, and not a more subdued presence of law enforcement. As a priest who practices psychoanalysis, I am keen on exploring what evokes such behavior. It’s not just about reversing destructiveness but of learning how the behavior might, as odd as this may seem, benefit an enraged soul. After all, we repeat actions if they make us feel better or attract attention.

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São Paulo Mercy Ministry

Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin
abounded, grace did much more abound-Romans 5:20

Sao Paolo Pix 1

As I was thinking about writing this introduction someone brought to our attention a magazine article about a former model who is now crack addict living in streets of the infamous Cracolândia. The picture is the coverof the magazine and the young lady’s name is Loemy. Her story has been sensationalized and exploited by the media. We know her but we did not know that she was a model. This apparently wasn’t an important factor in her life. For the media, she is only newsworthy because of this fact. For us, she was one of the sad souls who are lost in the wasteland of Cracolândia.

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Lifetree Café at the Episcopal Church of Holy Presence

Lifetree Café is a conversational café where people gather weekly to explore life and faith.  Join us for compelling stories about fascinating people. Stories from the news. Stories from our own lives. The story of what God is doing in the world around us. At Lifetree Café, we explore all those stories and make sense of our faith and our lives. The Lifetree motto is…

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Proposed AGENDA

Forty-Sixth Annual Diocesan Convention
The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
January 23 & 24, 2015

The Cathedral Church of St. Luke
130 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, Florida

Remembering for the Sake of Our Future


2:15 p.m.          Volunteers trained for Registration – Great Hall

3:00 p.m.          Registration – Great Hall

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