Counseling Center Needs our support

The Episcopal Counseling Center of Central Florida has served the counseling needs of the Diocese of Central Florida and the people of Central Florida for the past 35 years. During that time, we have been privileged to offer mental health counseling, marriage and family counseling, pre-marital counseling, retreats, seminars, supervision, resource information, testing for those seeking Holy Orders, event speakers, Employee Assistance Plan counseling, consultation to clergy and a number of other services. All that we do is based on our corporate and individual faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We are not part of the Diocese but a separate not-for-profit corporation whose only member of the corporation is the Bishop of Central Florida by position. As such, we are not included in the line-item budget of the Diocese. We can and do apply for grants from the Diocese each year. The generally accepted standard for not-for-profit (501C3) corporations is that administrative costs be paid through fund raising efforts. Since there has been minimal fundraising for the Episcopal Counseling Center in recent years, we have suffered financially. The business plan we developed to respond to the lack of fundraising is beginning to “turn the corner” but we need additional support.

The purpose of this letter is not only to give you information but to ask that you be part of this effort so that this ministry to the Diocese and the community of Central Florida can survive and thrive. We find that $20,000 annually will provide administrative coverage we cannot provide through services. That figure comes to about $250 per parish each year. At this time of year, budgets for next year are being written. We ask that you consider our request.

As always, we stand ready to respond to the needs of the clergy and parishioners of our Diocese in any way we can. If you would like more information, please contact our main office in Orlando at 407-423-3327 and ask that I return your call.

Yours in Christ,                                                              Yours in Christ,
The Reverend Jim Sorvillo                                             Sharon Jones, Ph.D.
President, ECC Board                                                     Interim Executive Director


1021East Robinson Street • Orlando, Florida 32801 • (407) 423-3327
(800) 544-1817 •

Orlando church opens doors to hospitality careers

Unemployment tops 17 percent in Orlando’s Washington Shores neighborhood, while a few miles south, the region’s largest industry — hotels, motels, resorts, restaurants and attractions, collectively termed “hospitality” — is crying for qualified workers.




So the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Orlando, is addressing that dual need, partnering with Central Florida hospitality agencies to offer free, four-day job-readiness coaching and a periodic job fair. More than 60 people attended the rollout in August, and many of them landed jobs through the event.

The program consisted of three days of workshops followed by a Hospitality Institute Job Fair on Aug. 1. The Rev. Jabriel S. Ballentine, rector of St. John the Baptist, said he was delighted to be able to offer this opportunity to Central Florida’s willing but jobless residents.

“Unemployment in Washington Shores is just about three times the National Average. People need jobs,” Fr. Ballentine said. “By God’s grace and through this project we find ourselves in a position to provide people with the jobs they need.”

The church joined Hilton Hotels of Central Florida, the Orlando chapter of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association and the International Hospitality Center at Miami-Date College to provide workshop sessions about interviewing, resume writing, and working in the hospitality industry.

Todd Fisher, training manager with Hilton Hotels, stressed the flexibility the hospitality-industry job market provides.

“There is nothing in this planet that doesn’t touch hospitality, nothing. We need doctors, we need nurses, we need teachers, we need bus drivers, we need everybody,” he said.

“The analogy I always use is if you go to work for a bank and you decide that’s not for you and you want to do something different, you have to start all over,” Fisher said. “With a hotel, if you go to the front desk and you decide that’s not for you, you keep your seniority and you transfer to another department, because we have everything.”

Cathy Williams, also of Hilton Hotels, agreed.

“People don’t realize the footprint hospitality has in Orlando,” Williams said. “They don’t know that there are all these different niches that work together.”

Williams said the primary goal of the program was for participants to leave with a job in the hospitality industry, one that would provide career growth in a healthy sector.

Carita Wilson, who heard about the program through a shelter, now has a career path she thought she’d missed out on long ago.

“Hospitality was a dream of mine years ago, but I had twin sons that I was raising as a single mom,” Wilson told television station WOFL Fox 35 Orlando.

She said the program gave her the ability to see a future career for herself for the first time.

“I have tears in my eyes,” said Wilson. “I’d like to start in the lobby area and meet people as they’re coming through.”

Ideally, the organizers would like to hold the event two to four times a year. Bishop Gregory Brewer expressed his pride in the church’s ability to provide “such an incredible opportunity” for participants in the area.

“This is an example of how a parish really becomes a focal point and leader for its community,” he said.

Bishop Allen brings Honduras to Port St. Lucie

By Donna Dupuy



Diversity, multiculturalism and the decades-old relationship between the Central Florida Diocese and Honduras were all clearly reflected Oct. 12 in Port St. Lucie, during the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Holy Faith Episcopal Church, and exemplified by the presence of the Bishop of Honduras, the Rt. Rev. Lloyd E. Allen, who delivered the sermon.

The church began to fill up about an hour before the Rite II service began, and with all pews in the nave and both transepts full, folding chairs had to be brought out to accommodate some of the more than 250 worshipers in attendance.

Continue reading



In January, the Diocese of Central Florida’s Annual Convention passed a resolution to set aside $50,000 in grant money for unaided congregations. Fourteen churches submitted requests, “and they were outstanding,” said the Rev. Rob Goodridge, Chairman of the Congregational Development Commission.
Paring the list down was a daunting task. The Congregational Development Commission presented their recommendations to the diocesan board meeting on July 17, and the board approved the following requests:

  • $10,000 to Holy Trinity, Bartow, to seed a new contemporary Saturday evening service, with a professional worship leader, musical instruments, sanctuary implements, marketing, and promotion.
  • $10,000 to Shepherd Of The Hills, Lecanto, to add needed dental care to a thriving
    healthcare ministry for those in need in their local community.
  • $8,000 to St. Sebastian’s, Melbourne Beach, to provide electronic signage to reach parents of the elementary school next door to the church, and to upgrade the sound equipment for a growing contemporary worship service featuring professional volunteer musicians.
  • $10,000 to St. Simon the Cyrenian, Ft Pierce, to upgrade bathrooms, offices, and Parish Hall facilities in order to expand Outreach Programs focused on an impoverished neighborhood.
  • $12,000 to St. Stephens, Lakeland, to create Youth Outdoor Outreach, making their campus the go-to place for outdoor youth activities, and to bring young families onto their campus.

“We look forward to seeing the fruit of these offerings and eagerly anticipate more exciting opportunities from next years applicants,” Fr. Goodridge said.

Mission Day 2014


Mission Day Photo

Anglican Frontier Missions is thrilled to have our 2014 Missionary Retreat in the Diocese of Central Florida, at Canterbury Retreat Center. You are invited to come and see the story behind the story, the power of God making miracles in muddy vessels of clay. This is a wonderful opportunity to get fresh ideas for invigorating your parishes. You are encouraged to send or bring key laity from your congregations who help you implement the vision for your parish.

When: Thursday, October 30
Where: The Canterbury Retreat Center
1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, Florida

1:00-2:00 p.m.: Bp. Brewer, “Following the Holy Spirit in Mission, Part I”
2:30-4:00 p.m.: Testimonies about what God is Doing
in the Middle East, East Asia, India and Africa
4:30-6:00 p.m.: Panel Discussion: “Energizing the Parish through Missions”
6:00-7:00 p.m.: Dinner
7:00-8:00 p.m.: Worship and Bp. Brewer:
“Following the Holy Spirit in Mission, Part II”
8:00-9:30 p.m.: Dynamic Prayer for the Nations

 Attendees are welcome to dine with us at Canterbury, or to go out for dinner on your own and return for the evening sessions. Cost to dine at Canterbury is $17 per person. Reservations must be placed by email to no later than Friday, October 10.

AFM in Action

P.O. Box 18038, Richmond, VA 23226 / /
(804) 355-8468 /

Absalom Jones Day 2015

Get Ready for Absalom Jones Day 2015

For ALL members of the Diocese of Central Florida

Absalom PhotoFor 35 years the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida has honored one of the Church’s most inspiring pioneers by sponsoring the CELEBRATION OF THE FEAST OF ABSALOM JONES. The next Absalom Jones Day will be on Sunday, February 21, 2015, 10 a.m., Cathedral Church of St. Luke, downtown Orlando.

There will be fun, fellowship, music andworship – Food for the body and soul. The Central Florida Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) in conjunction with the Anti-Racism Training Committee of the Diocese of Central Florida is organizing the event, and stresses that the day is for all members of the Diocese. This will be a celebration of one of the historical pillars of the Episcopal Church. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Fr. Martini Shaw, Rector, African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, which was founded by the Rev. Absalom Jones.

“As the first Black Episcopal Church in the nation, our parish remains not only alive and active, but also relevant, prayerful and prosperous as it continues to serve God and God’s people,” Fr. Shaw said. “We give thanks and praise to Almighty God for His keeping, His directing, His sustaining and His blessing us for more than two centuries; we pray that the Holy Spirit continues to richly empower us for the work of ministry and service.”

Absalom Jones was born a slave in Sussex, Del. on Dec. 6, 1746. He learned to read as a child. At 16 he was taken to Philadelphia to work in his master’s shop where a clerk taught him to write. His savings enabled him to buy first his wife’s and then his freedom. He became a friend of Richard Allen and together they founded the Free African Society, which served as a protective society and social organization for free blacks. Jones and Allen were both inclined to preach and were part of St. George’s
Methodist Church. Harassed by white members, they made a decision to organize blacks outside of the church and so the Free African Society grew.

Toward the end of 1790, Absalom Jones and Richard Allen were encouraged to inaugurate a separate black church. In an election the majority of members of the Free African Society voted to affiliate with the Church of England. Absalom Jones accepted the pastorate and in 1794 the African Church of St. Thomas opened. Jones was active in the civic life of Philadelphia and in 1799 was among 75 free black men who sent a petition against the slave trade to Congress. This petition was the first official protest to Congress by blacks in America. Jones died on February 13, 1818. The Episcopal Church recognizes Absalom Jones as its first black priest. A Day of Devotion is annually set aside in February by the church to commemorate the work of Absalom Jones.

An Invitation



On Sunday, December 14 you are invited to walk our beautiful campus and encounter seven live scenes relating to the nativity of Our Lord. You’ll find festive refreshments and music at the end of your journey.
Start your journey any time between 6:00pm and 7:00pm
331 Lake Avenue, Maitland, Florida 32751
Directions and information and 407-644-5350

Inspired by Their Witness: Bishop Greg’s report from Taiwan

The Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops met Sept. 17-23 in Taiwan, with the theme of “Expanding the Apostolic Imagination.” The Diocese of Taiwan is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. The bishops agreed to meet here at Taiwan Bishop David Jung-Hsin Lai’s invitation. The bishops explored the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Taiwan. In addition, bishops and others from the Anglican Church in Hong Kong, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines and Korea discussed with the house the theological context and mission challenges their provinces face.

Here is Bishop Gregory Brewer’s report to the Diocese of Central Florida:

As I prepare to leave this House of Bishop’s meeting, I must say that I marvel at what God allowed me to both see and enjoy.  Two significant conversations stand out. One was with the Rector and his youth worker at Trinity Church in the poverty stricken port town of Keelung.  The other was with set in the sleek downtown Taipei apartment of a prominent Christian art dealer.  The economic contrast could not have been sharper, but the content of the conversation was the same:  a passionate experience of the love of God the Father.  In contrast to the picture of the reserved and stoic Asian, these Christians (as well as almost all of the other Taiwanese Christians I met) were deeply and overtly in love with God.  The radiant face of an 80 year old Taiwanese Christian woman was typical.  She told of her conversion and baptism at the age of 40 and exclaimed to us bishops with a huge smile on her face, “I want everyone to know Jesus!”

The official theme of the House of Bishops’s meeting was “Expanding our Apostolic Imagination,” and, at least in my experience, that is exactly what happened.  The witness of the Taiwanese Christians was consistent:  there is little room for anything but an unreserved commitment to Christ.  The cost is too high.  We heard reports of bishops from Taiwan, the Philippines, Pakistan, Korea and Hong Kong.  Themes of sacrifice, persecution, and remarkable generosity abounded.  As Bishop Edward Malecdan of the Philippines reported, “As we began to work on clean water for one of our villages, people who come up to us and say, “We want to know about the God that you serve.  You are not only concerned about the afterlife, you are concerned about this life;” and people became Christians.

One young clergyman, Fr. Richard Lee, became the Vicar of a small mission church in an economically depressed area with only 10 members.  Now, 10 years later, they have started two new church plants and have a raft of ministries.  He said, “I did not know what I was doing, so I had to ask Jesus for vision of what He wanted me to do and He gave it to me.”

Their witness to us was contagious and we discovered, especially during our daily Eucharists, a fresh sense of the presence of God and a call to participate God’s missionary purpose. Fr. Simone Bautista, one of our chaplains put it pointedly, “Where is your home? Mission is our home.” We sang in English, Spanish and
Mandarin (that was a trick!), and there were times when the Holy Spirit was manifestly present, calling us deeper into God’s purposes.

While there is much talk about the Episcopal Church setting up its own communion (a faux communion in contrast to the Anglican Communion), the fact is that we are not merely a “national” church.  Missionary endeavors over the years have made us an international church; and it was clear to me that the witness of our non-American brothers and sisters has been salt and light in our midst.  I am deeply grateful that we share ministry together.

Many of you have read some of the reports coming out of this meeting:  Bp Katherine Jefferts Schori will not seek reelection as Presiding Bishop.  The report of the Marriage Task Group to the House of Bishop keeps the marriage canon intact and does not change the Prayer Book service.  Same sex blessings are not equated with Christian marriage.

The contrast between our “in house” conversations and the missionary witness of our Asian sisters and brothers was stark.   In truth,  the witness of the vibrant witness of these Christians became an invitation:  would we take this message home and be a part of God’s missionary vision where we live?  Will the international character of our Church be reflected in the future by a new international character of our churches in Central Florida?  Will we reach out to the neighbors God is sending us from around the country and around the world?  Only time will tell. But I am leaving Taipei inspired.


Holy Faith, Dunnellon, celebrates 50th Anniversary

By Tippy Corliss

The Holy Faith Episcopal Church, Dunnellon, 50th Anniversary celebration on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 20 and 21, was an amazing event.  It began with a much publicized, free Country Fair that drew over 300 people on Saturday.  For the children there was a petting zoo, pony rides, games with prizes, and wonderful face painting.  Little ones with puppy or cat or butterfly or green Ninja Turtle faces were everywhere.  For the enjoyment of the adults, a church member brought his antique car club to display their “golden oldies”.  Tours of the church and grounds were conducted.  Some visitors told us they hadn’t known a church was located in Blue Cove.   Now they know!

Food was sold at 1960’s prices. 320 Nathan’s hot dogs disappeared at 25 cents each emptying the two local Winn Dixie stores of their inventory.  More than 100 vanilla ice cream Dixie cups with those little wooden spoons were a hit at 10 cents.

By 3pm the remainder of the 40 plus blue T-shirt clad Holy Faith volunteers sank into chairs in Faith Hall exhausted and delighted at the results of a year and a half of planning and work.

But it wasn’t over.  On Sunday morning at 10 a.m., the Rev. J. James Gerhart, our priest, led a capacity crowd in a “retro” service from the 1927 Book of Common Prayer and by an original bulletin from the 1964 service.  One of the original acolytes, Paul Cowan, Jr. assisted Fr. Jim.  60’s style hats, dresses and suits added to the nostalgia.  The coffee hour that followed in the Hall gave everyone a chance to chat and check out the Holy Faith Family “clothesline” of member photos.

But it still wasn’t over.  At 4 pm, 79 members and guests gathered at a local restaurant for dinner.  Honored guests included Rachel Alexander Carpenter, a Holy Faith charter member, the Rev. Dick Casto, former Holy Faith priest, the Rev. Gene Reuman, former Holy Faith deacon, now priest at St. Margaret’s, Inverness, the Rev. Al Morris, retired priest and Holy Faith member.  Traveling the farthest to attend was Vi Bell, long time member, now living in northern Vermont.  Blessing the event was Holy Faith’s dear friend and supporter, the Rev. Canon Nelson Pinder.

Now that our 50th really is over, we are overwhelmed with gratitude to God for blessing our days of work and joy.  For “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28  (1952 RSV)

Holy Faith History

The following is a condensed and edited version of the original Holy Faith History as compiled by long-time member Jeani Cowan with contributions from the late Marianthe Coppedge and Gee Steiber, Paul Jr and Kennett Cowan, Millie Bostwick, Adela Anderson and Suzie Kuka.

In 1964, a group of approximately 30 people from the rapidly growing southwestern part of Marion County came together in faith and purpose to organize an Episcopal Church in Dunnellon.  The church was originally named the Church of the Holy Faith, Dunnellon because “We are creating this church purely on faith.”  Grace Church, Ocala, graciously sponsored this new mission church and over the following years supported Holy Faith with funds, prayer books, hymnals and other needed items.  Fr. Maurice Benitez of Grace Church conducted the first formal worship service for the mission on Sept. 9, 1964 at Dunnellon High School with 32 adults and 5 children attending.

Over the next year and a half, a site was chosen and purchased.  A 100 seat sanctuary, 4  Sunday school rooms, a sacristy and kitchen were planned.  During this time every conceivable effort was made to raise funds and increase the membership.

The new building was dedicated on May 1, 1966 by the Rt Reverend Henry T Louttit, Bishop of the Diocese of South Florida with 109 in attendance.  Retired Fr C. A. Copp from Eustis served as interim priest until Aug. 1966 when the Rev. Roger L. Henshaw became the first full time Vicar at Holy Faith.

Some highlights of the growing church during the following years included:

1) An Acolyte Festival for 350 young people from around the state was held.
2) The donation of a beautiful carved wooden corpus which remains today over the altar was carried home from Europe to Dunnellon by members Regina and Cecil Hogg on their laps as the airline would not allow the 5′ sculptured piece of art to be shipped in the hold.
3) In 1968, the city of Ocala presented Holy Faith with the 1889 bell which had hung in the tower of the original Ocala Fire House. Note: The bell was returned to the city in 2013 to be hung again in a newly completed fire station. The city replaced it with another bell.
4) The Blessing of Animals begun on local ranches in the 60’s was revived and celebrated in 1972 at the church and continues to this day at our Pet Memory Garden. (At the request of Fr Gerhart, NO SNAKES, PLEASE…)
5) Faith Hall was built in 1982
6) The Food Pantry at Holy Faith was expanded and continues today assisting local needy families. “Food-4 Kids”, a backpack program, is also headquartered at Holy Faith.
7) Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops were formed, producing eight Eagle Scouts.
8) The Deborah Chapter of the Daughters of the King has been reinstituted.

In 2007, after the retirement of the full-time priest and with membership declining, the Vestry and remaining members with an ever deepening commitment prayed for the revival of our dear church.  Blessed support and encouragement came from visits of the Rev. Canon Pinder of the Northwest Diocese and from the Rev. Al Morris, retired priest and church member.  Active members reached deeply into their hearts and wallets to renew Holy Faith and to aid the Dunnellon community.

In 2010, supply priest Fr. J. James Gerhart agreed to become priest-in-charge.  His leadership, energy, sense of humor and weekly messages of Christ’s love brought back the feeling of family that had faded away.  Membership began increasing with new members joining old in all the activities of the church.  Renovation and remodeling of the sanctuary and hall are in progress.

Warmth, fellowship, hope and life are present again at Holy Faith.  We look at a bright future with enormous gratitude to our Savior, Jesus Christ for His never ending, ever-present love and support.

Diocese of Central Florida

Leadership News Items for the Month of October,

From the Bishop’s Office

The Northwest Deanery Clericus will meet Thursday, October 9th from 10:00            a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, 9870 West Fort Island            Trail, Crystal River, 34429.
Please call the church at (352) 795-2176 to reserve lunch. For clergy only.

New Ministry Celebrations:

There will be a Celebration of New Ministry and Institution of
The Reverend John Kelly as Rector
at St. George Episcopal Church
1250 Paige Place, The Villages, Florida 32159
on Sunday, October 12th at 10:00 a.m.

There will be a Celebration of New Ministry and Institution of
The Reverend Woodford (“Deke”) Miller as Director
at Camp Wingmann
3404 Wingmann Road, Avon Park, 33825
on Sunday, October 19th at 4:00 p.m.


          The Right Reverend Gregory Orrin Brewer, Bishop, will ordain
The Reverend Susan Lynn Blake
to the Sacred Order of Priests
in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at
Waterman Village, 255 Waterman Avenue,| Mount Dora, FL 32757

Your prayers and presence are requested for these Celebrations
Clergy: Red stoles
+ + +

Bishop’ October Visitation Schedules:

Sunday, October 5 at Church of the Holy Spirit, Apopka – Bishop Brewer
Sunday, October 12 at Church of the Redeemer, Avon Park – Bishop Howe
Sunday, October 19 at Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Wales – Bishop Brewer   Sunday, October 26 at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Orlando – Bishop Brewer

Camp Wingmann and Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center Sunday, October 12

   Sunday, October 12th has been designated Camp Wingmann and Canterbury              Retreat & Conference Center Sunday. Congregations are invited to lend their              support to our Camp and Conference Center through a designated ingathering            on the second Sunday in October, 2014.
A Collect for Canterbury and Camp Wingmann and Information for bulletin              inserts is included in this issue.
For information about the Camp and Conference Center Events, visit the                     websites: and                                                   

AND –“Tee it up for Timothy” on Friday, October 24th for all golf enthusiasts – at          the 5th Annual Dean’s Cup Golf Tournament at historic Dubsdread Golf                    Course in Orlando to benefit the Timothy Fund for seminarian support.
FLYER & Registration Information included in this issue

Annual Clergy Conference –  October 7 -8 at Canterbury Conference Center

   The Annual Clergy Conference, at Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center,              1601 N. Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, 32765, begins with Check-in at 9 a.m. Tuesday,          October 7 and ends before lunch on Wednesday, October 8th.  Attendance at this        Conference is mandatory – all parochial priests are expected to attend.  If you       are unable to be in attendance you are asked to contact the bishop’s office directly.     Deacons are welcome to attend as your circumstances permit.  The Reverend             Christopher A. Beeley, PhD, will be the Keynote speaker.  Conference Eucharist       (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) will include Renewal of Ordination Vows & Consecration       of   Oils REGISTER with Sue Grosso at Canterbury: or   call    407-365-5571. Registration information CLERGY CONFERENCE FLYER     included

Optional Clergy Conference Activities – Monday, October 6th:

              Golf Outing at the Country Club at Deer Run
To register, contact The Rev. Tom Seitz:

               Pre-Clergy Conference Dinner – 6 p.m.
Cuban Cuisine:
Appetizers & Drinks: Empanadas & Seafood Plantain Cups/Pina Coladas &                Mojitos Dinner: Ropa Vieja, Yellow Rice, Black Beans, Sweet Plantains,                    Cuban Bread & Flan After dinner: Dominos Tournament with prizes.
Cost: $18 per person for dinner – at individual’s expense. If you would like                to stay  Monday night at Canterbury, the lodging cost is $56.
For Monday dinner and/or overnight lodging, please call 407-365-5571 or                  email     FLYER included

October Classes at the Institute for Christian Studies

        Saturday, October 4
Old Testament Survey, Part 1                               The Reverend Charlie Holt
Deacon 101 Practical                                            The Reverend Molly Bosscher
Mrs. Cindy Muldoon


        Saturday, October 18
Old Testament Survey, Part 2                                The Reverend Charlie Holt
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence                        The Reverend Canon Justin                                                                                              Holcomb

Classes are held at All Saints Episcopal Church, 338 East Lyman Avenue,                   Winter Park, Florida
To register or for information contact: The Ven. Kristi Alday, Dean at                 or visit the ICS website at:

St. Barnabas Invitational Golf Tournament – October 4th

        St. Barnabas Episcopal School invites you to participate in the St. Barnabas               Invitational Golf Tournament, Saturday, October 4th.  Proceeds from this event         go to the Annual Fund for the school.  Cost: $150/person; $500/team                           FLYER/Registration Form included in this issue

World Food Day at Canterbury – Thursday, October 16th

      Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center invites you to join them in partnering           with “Change the World” to pack 50,000 meals on Thursday, October 16th at             Canterbury Center, 1601
Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, 32765 This project is for people of all ages
There will be two packing sessions: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
To get involved visit:—oct-16-2014.html

Parenting in the Pew Workshop in Ocala, October 24-25

    Grace Episcopal Church is bringing a 2-day workshop on parenting to Ocala,             Friday & Saturday, October 24 & 25. The sessions will be held at the                           Southeastern Livestock Complex,  2232 NE Jacksonville Road, Ocala, 34471             FLYER included in this issue
A discounted registration fee of $20 per person is available through October 3rd;       after October   3rd the registration fee will be $25 per person/$50 per couple
Call Grace Episcopal Church at: 352-622-7881 to register or for further                       information

Cranmer Forum Seminar January 5-7, 2015 in Dallas

      The inaugural Cranmer Forum Seminar “Christ in the Old Testament” for clergy,        seminarians and lay leaders will be held at the Cranmer Institute, 3308 Daniel            Avenue, Dallas Texas 75205, Sunday – Tuesday, January 5 – 7, 2015. Seminar          leaders are The Reverend Canon Dr. Christopher Seitz, Senior Research                      Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Wycliffe College
and Executive Director of the Cranmer Institute, and The Reverend Dr. Michael        Cover, Assistant Professor of New Testament at Marquette University.

     Application deadline is NOVEMBER 1, 2014.                                                    

46th Annual Diocesan Convention – January 23 & 24, 2015

    The First Mailing for the 46th Annual Diocesan Convention, to be held at the             Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 130 N. Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, was sent via           email on September 14th to Clergy/Senior Wardens in charge of congregations           and to all other clergy and members of the Diocesan Board and Standing                     Committee. Included in the mailing: Official Notification, Nomination &                   Election Information, Certificate of Election for Lay Delegates                                     (Parishes/Missions), a Form for submitting Resolutions, Schedule of Pre-                   Convention Deanery Meetings and a Draft Agenda. This information is also               posted on the Diocesan website at: Click on About/Diocesan       Convention

Upcoming Events for your Calendar

Monday, October 6th
Pre-Clergy Conference Fellowship Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center, 1601 N. Alafaya Trail, Oviedo,                   32765, FLYER

Tuesday, October 7th & Wednesday October 8th 9:00 a.m. Tues – 12:00 Weds.
               Clergy Conference: at Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center, FLYER

Thursday, October 9th 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Northwest Deanery Clericus at St. Anne’s,                 Crystal River

Friday, October 17th – Sunday, October 19th New Beginnings at Camp Wingmann
Information & Registration at:

Friday, October 24th
5th Annual Dean’s Cup Golf Tournament at Dubsdread, Orlando to benefit                the   Timothy Fund for Seminarian support       FLYER and Registration form

Saturday, November 1st
Holiday Bazaar & Luncheon Buffet 9 a.m. until ?  FLYER
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 317 S. Mary Street, Eustis 32726

Saturday, November 1st 10:00 a.m.
Celebration of New Ministry and Installation of The Reverend Robin                          Morical   as Rector
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 155 Clark Street, Enterprise, 32725

Thursday, November 6th
Central Deanery Clericus for Clergy of the Central Deanery, 10:00 a.m.                      until 2:00 p.m. at All  Saints Episcopal Church, 338 E. Lyman Avenue,                      Winter Park 32789
Call the church to Reserve a Lunch: 407-647-3413

Monday November 10th & Tuesday, November 11th
Healing Mission with Nigel Mumford at All Saints, Winter Park
Contact Kirsten Aufhammer (407) 647-8925 or

Thursday, November 13th
Meeting of Diocesan Youth Leaders, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at the                              Diocesan Office, 1017 E. Robinson Street, Orlando, 32801 FREE                                LUNCH!!Email Beverly Jennings at: to reserve                  a lunch

Friday, November 14th – Sunday, November 16th
Men’s Retreat at Camp Wingmann Information at:                                             

Saturday, November 15th 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
ECW Annual Meeting
Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center, 1601 N. Alafaya Trail, Oviedo,                  32765

Friday January 23rd & Saturday, January 24th, 2015
46th Annual Diocesan Convention, Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando         

Wednesday, January 28th – Saturday 31st, 2015
Youth Ministry Academy at First United Methodist Church
142 E. Jackson Street, Orlando, 32801

Saturday, February 28th
Annual Diocesan Altar Guild Meeting, hosted by the Northeast Deanery.                     Location – the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando

Calendar of Events on Diocesan Website

               To have an event listed, please submit event description, date, address,                        contact info to:
To access the Event Calendar go to Central Florida website                                           ( ) and click on  News/Calendar OR click HERE

 Canterbury – Wingmann Sunday
October 12, 2014

                               Canterbury – Camp Wingmann Collect
Almighty God, bless Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center and Camp Wingmann: make them places of spiritual renewal, Godly growth, refreshment and peace for your people, young and old. By your power make Camp Wingmann always to be a place for kids to come to have fun and grow in their faith in Christ; May your Holy Spirit guide Canterbury to greater mission and effectiveness for the expansion of your Kingdom, that people would come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord; through Jesus Christ Our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN

 Possible Insert for Bulletins
Camp Wingmann and the Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center are valuable assets to the
spiritual life of the Diocese of Central Florida. They are set apart as sacred spaces for the nurture of faith and equipping for ministry of the people of God, where youth and adults go to be renewed and refreshed in their relationship with Almighty God. They are places where Jesus is Lord and lives are changed.
Camp Wingmann is the center for diocesan youth events with a growing and vibrant summer camp program. Children and youth come here to have fun and to learn to love Jesus and serve Him as Lord of their lives.
Canterbury is the center of continuing education for clergy and lay leaders, hosts Cursillo, clergy conferences, and other retreats designed to help our people and churches grow.
On this Sunday we celebrate the ministries of Camp Wingmann and Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center and ask God to continue to bless and prosper them that the Lord will use them so that many people old and young will be encouraged in their faith in Christ!
How can you help?
1) Use the Wingmann – Canterbury Collect every Sunday in your church
2) Include both ministries in your daily prayers
3) Donate today and put your offering in the plate
Vestries can designate for Camp Wingmann and Canterbury.
4) Put Camp Wingmann and Canterbury in your Church’s monthly or yearly outreach budget.
4) Attend events, send kids to camp
5) Ask about volunteer work days and projects
6) For more info contact:


The Rev. Deke Miller Camp Wingmann 863-453-4800


The Rev. Jon Davis PhD Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center 407-365-5571