Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: July 2016
God’s call is always a call to love. To love him. To love other people. But the ones he sends us to love are often those we would never choose on our own. A Love That Sacrifices Peter, in the tenth chapter of Acts, had no idea God would call him to go be with…
I want you to imagine with me a little of what life might have been like for those early believers who saw Jesus ascend into heaven and waited for him in the Upper Room. You can read the real story in the first and second chapters of Acts. But for just a few minutes, let’s…
As I reeled from the recent shootings in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and Dallas, I knew I had to say something. Unexpressed grief easily becomes indifference, something no one needs. So what do we need? I believe times like these call not for desperate measures but a deliberate reach. So what does that look like…