Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Last week, we discussed the important truth that we are all the work of God’s mercy. Understanding that changes the way we live—especially when times are tough. “Equipped for Every Good Work” It’s no exaggeration to call the Bible God’s love letter to us. But we can never receive it in that way unless we…
The call to perseverance seems to go through all of Scripture, and in fact one of the collects we use in worship says this: “Preserve the works of your mercy that your church throughout the world may be steadfast.” Left to my own devices, I might give up. I might not persevere. Persevering means life…
A friend of mine went to a local men’s store to buy some dress shirts. And the salesperson came up to him. Now, you need to know this about my friend. If there’s anybody who would embody the fizz of a champagne glass, he’s it. He is effervescent, he is bubbly, he is fun to…

Luke 15 records what is probably a familiar tale: the story of the good shepherd. But when Jesus told it, it contained several surprises for his hearers. First, he’s talking about a shepherd who has a flock of 100. That’s a lot! And yet, Jesus is clear, as he says in various parables, that “I…