Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: October 2017
In the previous blog, we met the two main characters in one of Jesus’ parables from Luke 18: the Pharisee and the tax collector. We learned quite a bit about each of them from their posture and attitude as well as the content of their prayers. But remember? “It’s complicated.” So when Jesus says, speaking…
The parable I’m focusing on is from Luke 18 and involves two main characters. They both come up to the temple—literally, because they had to walk up a hill. The Pharisee The Greek infers that the Pharisee knows his way around; he sort of strides right in. He’s been here before; he knows where…
I’m using a particular collect to frame this message. From the start, it acknowledges both the mercy of God and our need for that mercy, because we have not just gone but are going astray from his ways. You see, if I as a believer in Jesus am somewhere “out there,” away from God, more…
Last week, I wrote about how the phrase “I am Second” speaks to those entering the ministry—and actually, to all of us who follow Christ—about submitting to Jesus, serving Jesus and being strong in Jesus. The strength, as I wrote, comes from the secret place of time spent in the presence of the Lord. And…