Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: November 2017
In the previous two blogs about “Facing a Task Unfinished,” (Part 1, “The Call”; and Part 2, “Holding the Ropes”) we’ve examined the call to missions and those who hold the ropes in prayer and support for missionaries. Today, we’ll learn from two who responded to this call: Henry Martyn and William Carey. They were…
(Check out Part 1 of this series, “The Call.”) Have you ever been on a ropes course? If so, you may remember an exercise where one person went across a rope strung like a tightrope, and others held ropes below. These smaller ropes connected to the tightrope and helped provide the rope-walker with balance and…
“Facing a task unfinished, we bear the torch that flaming/Fell from the hands of those/ Who gave their lives proclaiming/That Jesus died and rose/ Ours is the same commission/The same glad message ours/ Fired by the same ambition/To Thee we yield our powers.” —“Facing a Task Unfinished,” words by Frank Houghton You know, if…