Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: March 2020

Not long ago, I was officiating at a deacon ordination, and I was walking through the church before the service began as I, I sometimes do. I was a little preoccupied, thinking about things, praying about the service. And I came up the aisle, and as I began to come around the aisle, a church…

In the Diocese of Central Florida, we recently commended some new leaders to our deanery boards. And as we did this, we handed them two symbols: a cincture (for all the deans, purple because they operate on behalf of the diocese) and a gavel (for the president). Both of these things in some way symbolize…

It’s interesting that as we go through this season of nonstop news about COVID-19, we celebrated the feast day of Gregory the Great on March 12, who was appointed pope in AD 590, after his predecessor, Pelagius II, had died of the plague. Gregory inherited, pestilence, famine and war. And in that context in the…

In the last post, we saw that the power/control decision is committed to strictly maintaining the status quo in a way that actually penalizes the innovators First of all, if we’re going to make decisions in the midst of these sort of interregnum situations for which there is no easy answer, it requires of…