Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: May 2020

Just prior to the Feast of Pentecost that we celebrate each year, Jesus said some extraordinary words. It happened during the Feast of Booths, which is roughly correspondent with our Thanksgiving. ‘If Any One Thirst’ It’s an ingathering. It’s harvest. It’s celebration. People come from all over the Mediterranean to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Anybody…

‘Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow’ One of the things that has held me together as someone in the ordained ministry is colleagues, both formal and informal relationships that allow me to check in and who check in with me: “How are you doing? How can I be praying for you?” as…

I’m probably like most of you. I don’t like social distancing, and I like wearing a mask and gloves even less. These tools have become symbols of isolation, of keeping one’s distance, reminding us in a very visceral way that we’re on our own, cut off from the many friends on whom we would normally…