Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Monthly Archives: June 2020

We find a startling juxtaposition in the New Testament, a juxtaposition between hatred—the world hating you (1 John 3:13-16) and love—the call to love one another (Matt. 10:34-42). All of that is really emblematic of the story of St. Alban from the early 200s in England. It comes from the area we would now call…

In the past two posts, we have been examining Pentecost and its invitation to “all who are thirsty” as well as the risk and reward it entails. But how does Pentecost impact us as we live out the Christian life today? In the midst of the extraordinary changes that have happened in our world, for…

In Part 1 of this series, we talked about Jesus’ invitation to “all who are thirsty.” But before we can come and drink at the well of the Spirit, before God can touch us in the deep places, we must open our hearts. Otherwise, it is possible to create such an ordered life that we…