Honduran Women Learn to Make GoodsApril 19, 2016 • Connie Sanchez  • REACHING OUT

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I would like to share some exciting news! As you may already know, we have been diligently working with our brothers and sisters in Honduras, teaching life skills to help assist them in becoming self-sustainable. Our goal is for the Diocese of Honduras to become independent by the year 2019.

In the fall of 2015, a group from Saint Barnabas Episcopal church in DeLand, Florida came to Honduras and taught the sisters how to sew altar linens by hand and to make beautiful jewelry.

This project is called “God’s Grace” because only with his grace has this plan been able to begin and flourish. The Honduran women are very excited about their projects, which are helping improve their lives by motivating them, giving them hope, enabling them to feel useful, and granting the possibility of covering their needs with the incoming revenue. They are very thankful for this opportunity to sell their crafts in the Diocese of Central Florida. They know it is the Lord who has brought this hope to empower them to be successful women.

If you are interested in purchasing items, please email csanchezhn@gmail.com with your name and address. Checks, payable to The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, may be mailed to the diocesan office, 1017 E. Robinson Street, Orlando, FL 32801, ATTN: Honduras Self-sustainable.

Or visit the Honduras Commission website at www.hondurascommission.com.

May the peace of our Lord be with you.

Connie Sanchez