Medical and Psychological Testing Information
An integral part of each Ordination Process is the canonically mandated Medical Examination and Psychological Evaluation.
These are normally scheduled after an aspirant for Holy Orders has completed the parish discernment portion of his/her Discernment Process (or is in the process of completing that step) but they may be scheduled sooner at the choice of the aspirant.
These evaluations must be satisfactorily completed before the Commission on Ministry can make a recommendation to the Bishop concerning Postulancy (or ordination).
The cost of the medical examination is borne by the aspirant or by his/her insurance and the cost of the psychological evaluation (which includes both testing and screening) is borne by the aspirant. Some congregations pay all or part of these expenses. The aspirant is responsible for making his/her own appointments.
Medical Examination
The medical examination is arranged by the aspirant with his/her own physician, using the prescribed form. You can find this form by clicking Medical Examination Form.
Psychological Evaluation consists of two steps:
1. Psychological Testing
The cost of psychological testing is $400. Testing is conducted by Dr. John Robertson, PhD., or by The Reverend Wallace Reynolds, PhD.
2. Psychological Screening
The cost of the psychological evaluation and screening is $390. This evaluation is with The Reverend Wallace Reynolds or Dr. Robertson. This evaluation is an hour and fifteen minutes in duration and must be scheduled after the psychological testing, allowing sufficient time for processing. If the aspirant is married, it is expected that the spouse also will attend the screening interview.
Please contact Marilyn Lang at to arrange psychological screening.
Psychiatric Referral
Should the psychological testing result in a recommendation for further evaluation, the aspirant will be asked to consult with a psychiatrist approved by both the Counseling Center and bishop. The aspirant is responsible for making an appointment with the approved psychiatrist and the cost of the psychiatric evaluation is borne by the aspirant.
Enclosed you will find:
1. Behavior Screening Questionnaire
Prior to your appointment for psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation this form is to be completed by the aspirant and a copy returned to the diocese.
The Diocesan Office to be included in the confidential portion of your discernment file.
You can find this form by clicking Behavior Screening Questionnaire (BSQ).
2. Life History Questionnaire
Prior to your appointment for psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation, this form is to be completed by the aspirant and a copy sent to The Episcopal Counseling Center. You can find this form by clicking Life History Questionnaire.
DO NOT send a copy of this form to the Diocesan Office.
3. Medical Examination Form
To be completed by the aspirant and physician and returned to the Diocesan Office for your discernment file. It is the responsibility of the aspirant to ensure that this form is completed and returned. You can find this form by clicking Medical Examination Form.
Questions concerning relevant canons or diocesan requirements should be directed to:
The Reverend Canon Timothy Nunez
The Diocese of Central Florida
1017 East Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801
FAX 407-872-0006
Please note: Failure to follow the above directions will result in an unnecessary delay in your process! Please pay careful attention where multiple copies are required.