St. Alban’s Parish Hall to be Rededicated as the ‘Hope Building’March 17, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • REACHING OUT

There is “Hope Building” at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Auburndale, and Bishop Greg Brewer will be a part there as part of the celebration on Sunday, March 18.

For years, the Polk County church has leased out its Parish Hall to tenants to help make up for budget shortfalls. But with healthier economic times, the church has resumed used of the hall. To commemorate the change, St. Alban’s is calling the hall the “Hope Building.” New signage reflects the change for those who pass by the building.

“While Bishop Brewer is at St. Alban’s on Sunday, he will be praying over the new space as part of its rededication,” said Sarah Caprani, executive assistant to Bishop Brewer at the Diocese of Central Florida in Orlando.

There also is hope building for those who suffer from hunger. Father John Gullett, rector of St. Alban’s, said his church’s food pantry, named the Pantry Shelf, has served the East Polk County community for 45 years.

Open the first and third Fridays of each month from 9 to 11 a.m., the Pantry Shelf served a whopping 137,549 pounds of food to 3,979 families representing 13,538 individuals, according to a St. Alban’s news release.

“In 2017, the Pantry Shelf received $18,210 in restricted gifts,” Gullett said. “St. Alban’s also spent $10,613 from our own budget to support this ministry.”

The church is located at 202 Pontotoc Street, Auburndale. For more information, call 863-967-2130.