2024 - 2025 Visitation Schedule Updated 12/10/24

Scroll down to view the visitation schedule for the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb. Please direct visitation requests for Bishop Holcomb to Sarah Caprani at scaprani@cfdiocese.org.

February 6 Confirmation & Reception Service at the Diocesan Office

Bishop Holcomb will hold a confirmation and reception service on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 10 a.m. in the bishop’s oratory at the diocesan office.

Space is limited. Please contact the Diocesan Office to make arrangements for participation (isafier@cfdiocese.org or 407-423-3567).

December 2024

12/8  |  Melbourne  |  Christ Episcopal Church

12/15  |  Daytona Beach  |  St. Mary's

12/22  |  Orlando  |  Christ the King

12/22  |  Orlando  |  Jesús de Nazaret

12/24*  |  Orlando  |  Cathedral
(Christmas Eve)

January 2025

1/12  |  Ft. Pierce  |  St. Andrew's

1/19  |  Okahumpka  |  Corpus Christi

1/26  |  Vero Beach  |  Trinity

February 2025

2/2  |  Orlando  |  St. Michael's

2/9  |  Satellite Beach  |  Holy Apostles

2/23*  |  Diocese of Honduras Annual Convention

March 2025

3/2  |  Lakeland  |  All Saints'

3/9  |  Okeechobee  |  Our Saviour

3/30  |  Palm Bay  |  Our Savior

April 2025

4/6  |  New Smyrna Beach  |  St. Peter the Fisherman

4/13  |  Sanford  |  Holy Cross
(Palm Sunday)

4/20  |  Orlando  |  Cathedral
(Easter Sunday)

*Confirmations, receptions and reaffirmations will not take place during this visitation.
All dates subject to change.