Young adults rarely carry much cash. Few of them carry checkbooks or even use checks. If your church has not set up methods for offering monthly drafts for pledges and electronic giving from a smartphone, then it’s past time to get serious about this subject. Giving is a vital aspect of our faith and blesses the giver as well as the church. We must be able to receive gifts in the ways people give them. If you are nervous about this area, you are not alone. Financial transactions must be reliable and as secure as possible.
While the The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida is not endorsing a particular company or product, the Diocese recommends Richard Hammar as the leading national voice on church law and taxes. His newsletter has served as a reliable source for years.
The free guide offered through the link below will help you understand the different wireless modes for passing the plate. If you are already using electronic giving, the guide will serve as a good review. As you’ll see on the site, the company is obviously trying to sell its own system, but there are a number of other worthwhile vendors that work with churches. You need to evaluate them as you would a bank or any other vendor. Talk with your friends and colleagues for recommendations and reviews.