A Special Guest on Christmas Eve Archbishop Josiah Fearon CameMarch 14, 2016 • Father Jim Sorvillo  • DIOCESAN FAMILY

’Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the parish
The priest wrote a sermon he hoped people would cherish.
Our website and bulletin were updated with care,
In hopes that long-lost parishioners soon would be there.

Josiah Preaching-Twas the night article picThe children practiced the pageant wearing costumes with dread;
While visions of PS4s danced in their heads.
When I saw my phone ring with such a clatter,
And “Bishop” it displayed, I thought…What was the matter?
The voice on the other end answered with grace
And shared that we would have a visitor visiting our place.

“Archbishop Josiah Fearon from Canterbury, you know,
Will be in our town with no church to go.
Would you be willing to have him appear,
And preach a good word for all to hear?”

Admittedly I thought, “On the biggest night of the year?”
“I” have a sermon for all to hear….
But the Spirit corrected and spoke to my heart,
“Perhaps I have a better plan and word to impart?”
So in those few seconds with my bishop on hold
My thoughts came together, on the idea I was sold.
With “deep thanks” my boss would respond
To the invitation for our friend ’cross the pond.

Christmas Eve came as it does every year
And Archbishop Josiah showed up with good cheer.
Even though he had flown through the day and the night
And been stuck in Dallas due to delay in his flight.
But that did not hinder our friend ’cross the pond
For he had gospel words with which to respond.

“Glory to God in the highest” we say
To the gift of the baby who lays in the hay.
“And as we commit our glory to God
Peace from heaven is given abroad,
To all those who would give glory on high
His Spirit descends” on those who dropped by.
On the Eve that draws families to church that night
To hear from a visitor who preached with great might
And passion that touched the hearts who were there
Even after 45 minutes of preaching…they didn’t care.

For after each sermon that was preached that night
Applause rose from the members with great delight.
For the words of the Spirit that we needed to hear
On the most memorable Christmas Eve we’ve had in years!