Ascension Rector to Travel, Write Book on SabbaticalMay 17, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • LEADERSHIP

The pressure on an Episcopalian rector can be enormous – from running a church, conducting services, visiting the sick, and much more.

But relief in the way of a sabbatical can allow a priest to reenergize, study, reflect, and take holiday to aid in a renewed spirit and return to ministry. According to the Episcopal Church’s website, the term “sabbatical” derives from the word “sabbath,” meaning seven or seventh, and a period of relaxation. A sabbatical year is the seventh year when a priest is dismissed from obligations to study and travel, but now simply refers to the time when a rector leaves for spiritual rejuvenation.

For Father Jim Sorvillo, rector at Church of the Ascension in Orlando, a sabbatical was long overdue.  “As I’ve now been at Ascension for 15 years, I’m due a sabbatical and the timing couldn’t be better as I really need some time away to discern what the Lord has next for me, and for the next chapter of Ascension,” said Sorvillo, whose sabbatical begins Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, and ends Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 3. “In prayer, I’ve heard, ‘Go … sit down … be quiet … and listen … in Ireland.’ Go figure, since I’m Italian!!”

Sorvillo is paying heed to his prayers as he and his wife, Debbie, will be traveling to England and Ireland in June. The following month, Jim Sorvillo heads to the General Convention in Austin, Texas, where he is one of seven members of the Diocese of Central Florida contingent that received deputation assignments. They are: Bishop Brewer, Evangelism and Church Planting; the Rev. Phyllis Bartle, vice chair of Stewardship & Socially Responsible Investing; Sonya Shannon, Christian Formation and Discipleship; Krisita Jackson, secretary of Privilege and Courtesy; Sorvillo, Congregational and Diocesan Vitality; Tom Alday, Evangelism and Church Planting; and Erick Perez, Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music.

After the General Convention, the Sorvillos will travel to the Bahamas and Bermuda. In August, the couple will take some family time in the north Georgia mountains.

But it won’t be all R & R for Jim Sorvillo, who will use the time to write. “During this time, I will convert my dissertation on congregational health and renewal into a book and workbook for parishes to use,” he said.

Sorvillo said assistant-to-the-rector, Father Matt Ainsley, will be in charge at Ascension, with assistance from a number of retired associates at the church. “I covet your prayers during my time away as I seek God’s leading and renewal,” Sorvillo said.