Bishop Curry Asks Episcopalians to Practice the “Way of Love”July 6, 2018 • CFE Staff  • CONVENTION • EPISCOPAL & ANGLICAN NEWS

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry called on Episcopalians to enact the “Way of Love” during his sermon at the Opening Eucharist of the 79th General Convention in Texas.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, who became internationally famous for his sermon at the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle earlier this year, once again displayed his lively delivery on Thursday during the opening sermon of the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas.

Speaking before a huge crowd, Bishop Curry emphasized the importance of and how Episcopalians can move forward in the “Way of Love.” To wit, he called upon deputies and bishops to “meditate on the life and teaching of Jesus” before speaking in legislative sessions, engaging in meetings, and participating in other things. Bishop Curry also asked Episcopalians to live a Jesus-centered life and dedicate themselves to the “Way of Love.”

The Episcopal News Services reported that Bishop Curry encouraged Episcopalians to enact the “Way of Love by following the new “rule of life”: adopting seven practices to open up their soul and spirit to the Lord:

  • Turn: pause, listen, and choose to follow Jesus
  • Learn: reflect daily on scripture, especially the life and teachings of Jesus
  • Pray: spend time with God in prayer every day
  • Worship: gather in community for worship every week
  • Bless: share one’s faith and find ways to serve other people
  • Go: move beyond one’s comfort to witness to the love of God with words and actions
  • Rest: dedicate time for restoration and wholeness

For more information on the “Way of Love,” please access the following website: on the internet.