Diocesan Group Battling Extreme Heat at ConventionJuly 3, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EPISCOPAL & ANGLICAN NEWS

Major crowds will not be the only thing the Diocese of Central Florida contingent will be battling this week at the 79th annual General Convention of the Episcopal Church.

The summer’s first heat wave formed last weekend and has stretched into this week and affected people nearly nationwide. The Rev. Canon Tim Nunez, who is one of 11 people from the area diocese on hand for the convention, said temperatures on Monday hit 105 degrees in Austin, Texas, the site of this year’s event. The main timeframe for the convention is July 5-13.

“It is supposed to be 100 degrees plus all week,” Nunez said.

Nunez said Tom Alday, Krisita Jackson, Sonya Shannon, the Rev. Phyllis Bartle, the Rev. Jose Rodriguez and his wife, Heather Rodriguez, Erick Perez from the diocesan office, and Bishop Greg Brewer all arrived in the Lone Star State on Monday.

Also representing the Diocese of Central Florida will be the Rev. Jim Sorvillo, and the Rev. Canon Dr. Justin Holcomb, Canon for Vocations. Sorvillo is technically on sabbatical, but will participate in the General Convention.

Seven members of the diocese contingent received deputation assignments for the 2018 General Convention. They are: Brewer, secretary of Evangelism and Church Planting; Bartle, vice chair of Stewardship & Socially Responsible Investing; Shannon, Christian Formation and Discipleship; Jackson, secretary of Privilege and Courtesy; Sorvillo, Congregational and Diocesan Vitality; Alday, Evangelism and Church Planting; and Perez, Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music.

Deputy certification, a legislative session, and the Opening Eucharist kickstart the first full day on Thursday, July 5.