Diocese of Honduras Gives Thanks to Theological Education ProgramNovember 22, 2018 • Rev. Pascual P. Torres  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EPISCOPAL & ANGLICAN NEWS • REACHING OUT

Editor’s note: Each year, the Diocese of Honduras under Bishop Lloyd Allen makes a Thanksgiving offering to a person or organization in need. This year, the Diocese of Honduras has elected to make an offering to the Theological Seminary in Honduras in its effort to raise up good spiritual leaders.

Diocesan Theological Education Program

Episcopal Church of Honduras

Missionary Diocese of Honduras



The Diocesan Theological Education Program started in the year 1984 out of necessity to raise up new clergy members, men and women, to serve the church in Honduras, whose growth throughout the national territory was starting to take off.

More than a quarter of a century has passed since then! In this formative and educational labor, a few names are to be mentioned such as: Rev. Carmen Bruni Guerrero, Rev. Robert Sanders, Rev. Rolando Segura, Rev. Boanerges Rosa, Counselor Andrew bodden, and to this day, The Rev. Pascual P. Torres F.+

Each one of the aforementioned deans contributed with their knowledge and dedication to the formation of those who today carry out the labor to accomplish the great commission of taking the gospel to anyone, no matter where they are.

That is how 80 percent of our clergy have been formed and raised up through this Diocesan Theological Education Program.


The Next Step … A New Direction

Until now, we dedicated ourselves to form, as mentioned earlier, men and women who have heard God’s call to serve the church as ordained clergy (deacons, priest, bishops).  “And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people’.”

However, more and more we are feeling the need to direct our efforts to the formation and training of our lay leaders. These are people that, without having a call to be ordained, wish to nurture and deepen their knowledge in the faith. These trainings help them be better prepared to become a committed person to their local congregation, while being a support for their vestry or the ordained minister responsible for said congregation.

This is not at all a novelty. The Book of Common Prayer tells us that the ministers of the church are “the lay people” (and) from then on continues naming all the other ministries of the church. It recognizes the role of the common man or woman that live their baptismal covenant to the fullest. We are all priests within the same community of faith, and in that same community of faith it is done through ordination, prayer, and laying on of hands.


The Course

Because of these statements, a proposal has been put together for the theological education of lay leaders, with enough formality and seriousness that it requires, but without the strictness, years of academic load that is expected for those going through the ordination process.



Sessions will meet one Saturday a month for the length of one year. Twelve (12) sessions in total that will encompass the following curricular load: Hebrew and Greco-Christian Bible scriptures, Book of Common Prayer, Ecclesiastic History, and Anglicanism. Through this, we intend to give a “basic tool box” in which they can count in order to respond to any need that may arise.

The Governing Body

People with academic degrees at any level, as well as self-taught – meaning people who are formed and have searched to “know more” to deepen their knowledge in a specific area of theology.

Inclusive Ecumenical Orientation

One of the characteristics of the Diocesan Theological Education Program since it was founded is its ecumenical vocation. This has been accomplished due to the program’s deep roots in the Anglican faith, its vocation and effort to look for unity in Christ’s church.

As it is found in the book of Ecclesiastes: “The end of the matter; all has been heard.”

Welcome to the Licensed Theological Studies for Lay leaders.

If you have any iniquities, want to deepen your faith and Anglican life, or be a useful resource for your local congregation, then this course is design specially thinking about you.

Rev. Pascual P. Torres F.+, Dean