Donations Needed for Hurricane Michael VictimsOctober 11, 2018 • CFE Staff  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EPISCOPAL & ANGLICAN NEWS • REACHING OUT

Hurricane Michael whips trees with heavy winds as it roars through Panama City Beach on Wednesday.

In the wake of the devastation in the Florida Panhandle and beyond from Hurricane Michael, Episcopalians across Central Florida are encouraged to assist Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) in the recovery effort.

Hurricane Michael made landfall Wednesday afternoon near Panama City Beach as a Category 4 storm, causing widespread wind and storm surge damage. Most of Mexico Beach was destroyed.

ERD welcomes Episcopalians to contribute to the Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund, which uses donations to provide critical supplies such as food, water and other basics, as well as long-term assistance as necessitated.

Episcopal Relief & Development partners with Episcopal dioceses across the country in responding to storms such as hurricanes, tropical storms and the like. Episcopal church communities take advantage of resources and training provided by the ERD’s U.S. Disaster team, helping those most in need make a complete recovery.

Donations can be made by check payable to: Episcopal Relief & Development, and mailed to: Episcopal Relief & Development, P.O. Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058. Donations also can be made by credit card by using the coupon listed below, and at: via the internet.

“While it is too early to determine the extent of damages caused by Hurricane Michael, we do know that the need is great,” said deacon John Motis, who is Diocesan Disaster Relief coordination for the Diocese of Central Florida. “Estimates indicate recovery will take years. Episcopal Disaster Relief will be there with them. We can be too, through our prayers and our financial resources.”

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