Former Diocesan Assistant Celebrates Priesthood OrdinationMay 7, 2019 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • LEADERSHIP

Newly ordained priest Caroline Miller, center, celebrates Eucharist at her recent ordination at Grace Episcopal Church in Ocala.

Former Diocese of Central Florida Assistant to Canon for Vocations Caroline Miller was recently ordained to the priesthood at Grace Episcopal Church in Ocala. CFE contacted Rev. Miller to ask her about the ordination, her background and her goals at Grace. Here is what she had to say:

What city do you currently reside in?

I live in Ocala, Florida.

Married or single? Children?

Single. No children.

Roughly how many people attended the priest ordination? Did you have any family members attend that you’d like to mention?

About 140 people attended. My parents and all my siblings were able to attend, which was wonderful. Also, one of my closest friends flew all the way from Kenya to be present, along with her parents (who were my childhood pastors) and one of her sisters. It was a joy-filled reunion as well as celebration of my ordination!

Also, briefly summarize your academic and professional background. Where did you go for seminary and what churches and in what capacities have you worked in, so far?

I have an M.A. in marriage and family counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary and a certificate in Anglican studies from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Before starting my job at Grace Episcopal Church in Ocala, I worked for the diocesan office as Canon Justin Holcomb’s assistant. I attended and served in a volunteer capacity at Church of the Incarnation, Oviedo, and St. Peter’s, Lake Mary, while I lived in the Orlando area.

How did the calling to become a priest transpire for you?

I began to discern the calling to the priesthood through the input of friends, co-workers and priests who saw that calling in me. I wasn’t sure at first, but I entered into the discernment process in order to actively discern with the wider church whether or not I was called to this ministry.

It’s my understanding that you will be associate rector someday at Grace. What current goals do you have for Grace?

I am actually already serving as the associate rector at Grace. I am also Grace Church’s first resident, a position designed specifically to further equip and train newly ordained clergy in order to prepare them as well as possible for a life of ministry. My goals for being at Grace are aligned with the goals of my position of resident: I want to learn from our rector, Father Jonathan (French), who is a very experienced priest; grow in love and service to the parish; and draw closer to God as I seek to do His will. My goals for Grace are to serve the parishioners and the church well, to help her grow in love for Christ and service to the community, and to facilitate her development both internally in worship and externally in outreach.

Do you have any long-term goals of leading your own church someday?

I am still discerning where God is calling me professionally in the long run. If God calls me to serve as a rector, vicar or priest-in-charge of a church, then I will happily do so. But it is not something I particularly aspire to, as much as I deeply respect priests who serve in that capacity. I think my call is more likely to be expressed in other contexts, whether through missions or some other form of ministry.