Learning about the power of prayerApril 10, 2017 • Jeff Gardenour  • CHILDREN & YOUTH • DIOCESAN FAMILY • LEADERSHIP

Nearly 100 people recently journeyed to Camp Wingmann to learn about the power of prayer from one of the best sources in Central Florida: Bishop Greg Brewer.

Youth Ministry Institute (YMI) Executive Director Steve Schneeberger said 97 youths and adults attended the bishop’s Earth to God annual event Feb. 24-25 at the beautiful 42-acre site in Avon Park.

“It was great,” Schneeberger said. “Bishop Brewer shared a great deal about his life and how prayer has been important to him.”

Schneeberger, who runs the YMI Florida division on Jackson Street in Orlando, said organizers held six separate prayer stations, each emphasizing a different type of prayer.

Youth activities also were offered for students in sixth through 12th grades.

Students engage in some Q & A time with Bishop Greg Brewer recently at the Earth to God event at Camp Wingmann in Avon Park.

“There were 10 churches and one school who participated in this event,” Schneeberger said.

The Earth to God event is the latest YMI activity in which youths and adults have participated during the 2016-17 calendar year. The organization’s next scheduled event is the final retreat Year A from noon to 3 p.m. April 28 in Orlando. The day will include recognition of achievements by first- and second-year students.

A certification ceremony will then be held at 1 p.m. April 29 at First United Methodist Church, 142 E. Jackson St., Orlando. Youth ministers who have finished the two-year training and coaching program will be recognized.

For more information on YMI, call 407-341-0855 or email Schneeberger at steve@yminstitute.com.