Local Episcopalians Can Track the General Convention Via AppJune 21, 2018 • CFE Staff  • CONVENTION • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EPISCOPAL & ANGLICAN NEWS

Local Episcopalians in July will have a chance to stay abreast of discussions and late-breaking news and changes at one of the biggest legislative bodies in the world: the General Convention.

The 79th Annual General Convention of the Episcopal Church is expected to draw a whopping 10,000 people to Austin, Texas, on July 2-13. However, the primary timeframe for the event is July 5-13.

The Episcopal Church announced on its www.generalconvention.org website that individuals can get the Eventmobi App for the 79th General Convention through code: 79gc via the internet. Currently, there are several ways to obtain the app:

Eleven people, including Bishop Greg Brewer, from the Diocese of Central Florida will be making the trip to the Lone Star State. Seven members of the diocese contingent received deputation assignments for the 2018 General Convention. They are: Bishop Brewer, Evangelism and Church Planting; the Rev. Phyllis Bartle, vice chair of Stewardship & Socially Responsible Investing; Sonya Shannon, Christian Formation and Discipleship; Krisita Jackson, secretary of Privilege and Courtesy; the Rev. Jim Sorvillo, Congregational and Diocesan Vitality; Tom Alday, Evangelism and Church Planting; and Erick Perez, Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music.

Also representing the Diocese of Central Florida are the Rev. Canon Tim Nunez, Canon to the Ordinary; the Rev. Canon Dr. Justin Holcomb, Canon for Vocations; the Rev. Jose Rodriguez; and Heather Rodriguez.

Individuals following the convention also can learn about topics, including a report of the Commission on Impairment and Leadership. The report is available in English and Spanish through http://www.generalconvention.org/publications/ or via https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/21386 on the internet.

Also available via the publications page are model policies for the protection of children and youth, and of vulnerable adults. The policies are provided by the Task Force to Update Sexual Misconduct policies. The information also can be accessed via:

Additionally, the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance welcomes comments on the proposed budget for the 2019-2021 triennium. The Executive Council budget for 2019-2021 can be accessed via: https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/20857 on the internet. A budget presentation video is available at: http://www.generalconvention.org/budgetvideo2018 and comments can be recorded at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/survey-closed/?sm=H5E_2Fc_2Ftvz6qu_2FnPlI6BaMa8MBQqr7PsqKr4EQ3NQUbfp_2B2nH3gENc_2ByWsA_2Bptl7uNFKQeX0NrYfpkOu_2FFY_2B644zvWT4hbm97_2FUnFaqi6H1w_3D at the time of the convention as tentatively scheduled.

Also, an introduction to the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church for Deputies and Bishops is available at: https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/20313 as announced by the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, executive officer and secretary of the General Convention.