‘New Beginnings’ Middle-School Camp Expected to Draw Huge TurnoutSeptember 12, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • CHILDREN & YOUTH • DIOCESAN FAMILY • REACHING OUT

Youth grapple with a climbing activity at a youth retreat at Camp Wingmann.

Learning how to live like Christ is a fun as well as an empowering thing for middle schoolers who attend a “New Beginnings” retreat at Camp Wingmann. For more than three decades, youth have learned to grow in love for themselves, for others, and for Jesus.

That trend will continue on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19-21, when the New Beginnings fall session is held at picturesque Camp Wingmann in Avon Park. Next month’s session follows the “Weekend” held in early March.

“We are happily planning for the upcoming New Beginnings weekend,” said the Rev. Phyllis Bartle, rector at St. Jude’s Episcopal Church in Orange City and one of the primary organizers of the event. “It is weekend # 111 in the Diocese of Central Florida. Invitations have gone out to the team we hope to have for the weekend. I’ve already received back several of their applications and it looks like a good mix of seasoned and new young people will be with us serving the Lord and the other youth of the diocese.”

Bartle said she expects approximately 100 campers and team members for the three-day retreat, which traditionally draws participants from all over Central Florida, but primarily from the Diocese of Central Florida. Currently, 83 churches comprise the diocese.

Of this year’s expected turnout, some undoubtedly will be repeat campers – a hallmark of this retreat designed for kids in sixth through eighth grades. “The participants are encouraged to return again and again to come into relationship with Jesus; many go on to become leaders themselves and serve as small-group leaders, prayer team members and in many other roles,” Bartle said. “Through the last many years, it has been fulfilling to see how many have gone on to serve in their parishes in many ways.”

Although each New Beginnings retreat is unique, the overall focus continues to be on relationships, Bartle said. Helping to reinforce that message are a variety of speakers. This upcoming retreat will feature the Rev. Pat Roberts, who will serve as Spiritual Director for the weekend.

Other clergy expected to attend include the Rev. Kevin Bartle; the Rev. Deke Miller, the former director of Camp Wingmann; the Rev. Bill Yates, the current director of Camp Wingmann; and the Rev. Phyllis Bartle. Other clergy are welcome to attend, even if they can be with us for only a short time, Phyllis Bartle said.

“The different speakers bring their own perspectives to the weekend when they talk about their own relationships with friends, siblings, parents and Jesus,” Phyllis Bartle said. “The music team has already been planning the different musical selections they will feature on the weekend.”

A weekend retreat established by the Diocese of Central Florida more than 30 years ago, New Beginnings is one of the more popular events at the Avon Park camp. Designed for middle school students ages 12-15 but run by high school students and supervised by youth leaders, clergy and other adults, the retreat has helped scores of youth grow in love for themselves, for others and for Jesus.

The format for New Beginnings has been noticed and utilized by others, far and wide. “The format for this middle school retreat was so popular that it spread throughout the United States and even to Ireland,” Phyllis Bartle said in an earlier interview. “It is based and grounded in ‘relationship.’ Relationship with self, peers, siblings, parents, Jesus and the world. The youth explore different aspects of those relationships and begin to grow in each of them.”

The uniqueness of Camp Wingmann has helped New Beginnings as well. The huge retreat center in northern Highlands County has an old-time Florida feel that enamors visitors time and again.

“New Beginnings has become a favorite weekend retreat for many students because it allows them to experience the love of God in the pristine setting of Camp Wingmann,” Phyllis Bartle said. “They make lifelong friendships with those who come from all over the diocese.

For more information about New Beginnings, call Phyllis Bartle at 386-775-6200, or email her at phlealess@aol.com on the internet.