On This Christ the King Sunday, Is Jesus Your King and Are You His True Disciple?November 19, 2018 • Father Dave Newhart  • BISHOP'S SERMONS • DIOCESAN FAMILY • REACHING OUT

Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King

Occasion: Proper 29

Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018

Year (cycle): B



John 18:33-37:  All Jewish prayers except the very first one they say before getting out of bed in the morning starts with “Barukh atah Adonai Elohaynu melekh ha-olam:” Blessed are you Lord our God King of the Universe. Today (Nov. 25) is the last Sunday of what we call the Ordinary Time and it is Christ the King Sunday. Throughout the season of Pentecost or what is commonly called Ordinary Time, the scriptures have directed and helped us in our Christian walk to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. The scriptures throughout the season have pointed us in the direction to better understand ourselves and our relationship of Christ.

Our Gospel reading today is more than a confrontation between Jesus and the Pontius Pilate. It is an inquiry about who Jesus is? Pilate wants to know, he is inquisitive to find out who Jesus is and to find out why all the commotion about Jesus. He wants to know why they would want to crucify Jesus. What is it about Jesus that threatens them and should it be something that threatens Roman authority? He asks Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?”

During the inquiry, Pilate is perplexed and irritated because Jesus does not answer the questions directly; rather Jesus answers Pilate with a question and a statement about a different kind of kingdom than one Pilate has in mind. He answers Pilate not with a belligerent, defying attitude but answers calmly. Jesus is not the zealot radical Pilate expects to be standing before him and deserving of the punishment demanded by the Jewish council. What Jesus does is offer a truth that is different than the normative of Pilate’s world. In doing so, Pilate must digest Jesus’ words and ultimately at some point, now or later, make a decision if the kingdom Jesus has shared with him is real or not.

Throughout history and in today’s world, whether we were raised in the church or we are unchurched, we are faced with the same challenge as Pilate was. We are faced with making the decision about Jesus truly being Christ the King and a decision to follow Him as a true disciple.  Our decision comes down to more than just knowing about Jesus. It is more than what people say about Him or what we might have read or learned in Sunday school, in books, in church or through friends. It is about being in a heart relationship with Jesus, confessing Him as Lord and Savior. This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday … Is Jesus your King and are you His true disciple? “Barukh atah Adonai Elohaynu melekh ha-olam:” Blessed are you Lord our God King of the Universe. – Father Dave Newhart is the rector of St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, Sebastian.