Kids went on a “Deep Sea Discovery” this summer at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, learning about Jonah, Noah, Peter and other Bible figures.
Sixteen elementary to middle school youths made St. Mark’s VBS (Vacation Bible School) a big success July 24-28. The five-day session drew youths from several area churches.
“The Vacation Bible School was an ecumenical endeavor that went really well,” St. Mark’s rector, the Rev. Chris Brathwaite, said. “A wide variety of interests was broached, from playing games to learning about the organ and making music.”
Youths participated in one of five sessions per day in the camp, which featured an insightful “Deep Sea Discovery” theme. Campers participated in various activities each day.
Touching upon how God is always with us, St. Mark’s VBS leaders discussed a number of telling stories with the kids. “God hears, as in Jonah in the belly of the whale,” Brathwaite said. “God knows, as Noah did. God helps with our faith, as Peter proved by walking on water. God helps in our struggles. God sends, as He sent Paul.”
Five teens and 11 adults assisted with this year’s VBS camp. Clergy who worked the event were: pastor April Goins, pastor Tartesa Curry, pastor Altamease Barnes, deacon Doug Jump, and youth leader Michele Jump.
Two pre-K teachers and a “floating helper” from St. Mark’s also assisted, as did Derek Stevens and Kevin Traux. Stevens provided snacks and games, and Traux worked as photographer.
“The VBS provided understanding of how interested God is in every aspect of our lives,” Brathwaite said.