Bishop Russel Jacobus (L) and Bishop Greg Brewer (R) stand to congratulate the newly ordained Priest Rev. Jennifer Grady
The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida, conducted a service ordaining The Rev. Jennifer Lynn Grady into the priesthood on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020, in the diocesan chapel.
Grady has ministered since 2012 at St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church, Louisville, Kentucky, where she serves as children’s ministry director. Following ordination, she will have what she says is the “great privilege” of continuing to fulfill that role. St. Francis has a Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight relationship with Brewer, and Grady says her ordination journey has been “a wonderful experience.”
Grady is married to Dr. Kristopher Grady, an associate professor at the University of Louisville, and the couple has two daughters, Abigail and Lydia.
Noting Grady’s years of ministry to children, Brewer stressed the importance of helping others grow in their faith, moving from “faith received” from others to “faith I know,” where the individual embraces faith as experientially true. In describing this process, he referenced a key quote from former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: “For the simplicity that lies on this side of complexity, I would not give a fig, but for the simplicity that lies on the other side of complexity, I would give my life.”
Brewer also charged Grady that her call as a priest is to be someone who keep her chin up in the face of adversity, her heart humbled by the work of the Holy Spirit and her eye on the prize as one who serves a King who is bringing in a whole new order.
“The ordination was incredibly beautiful and meaningful,” Grady says. “I never expected to be ordained during a worldwide pandemic, and it affected how the ordination went. However, as much as I would have loved to celebrate with my church in Louisville, the ordination was so lovely and meaningful. I was able to have many of the people who have been a part of my journey from across the United States participate virtually. I am so grateful for the hospitality that Bishop Brewer and the diocesan staff extended to my family and guests.”
Click here to view the archived live stream of The Rev. Jennifer Lynn Grady’s ordination.
PHOTO: courtesy Erick Perez