Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany Sunday, February 24, 2019 Lectionary C In the gospel for this seventh Sunday of Epiphany, Jesus is speaking about love. If we are keen Bible readers, we know that love is Jesus’s favorite topic. Whether we frame some of His actions into humility, unselfishness, compassion or pure friendship, we know…
[ Read More]It took having a pint with three priests in a pub for Jeremy Bergstrom to realize he was having a vocational crisis about the priesthood. Years of religious study had caused him to put off ordination, but then a stop for a drink forced him to reevaluate his life. “I was struck with the absurdity…
[ Read More]Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Sunday, February 17, 2019 Lectionary C In reflecting on this week’s Gospel, Jesus looks directly into our hearts, just as He looked into the hearts of His disciples on the plain after healing the multitudes. He knew their strengths, He knew their weaknesses, He knew their priorities, He knew their…
[ Read More]On the heels of an energetic revival that left people feeling enthused about “Keep Saying Yes to Jesus,” the Diocese of Central Florida concluded its 50th Anniversary Convention with a growing sense of optimism about an exciting future. The second day of the 50th Annual Diocesan Convention on Saturday, Feb. 2, drew hundreds to Trinity…
[ Read More]The Diocese of Central Florida continues its extraordinary growth for clergy when the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, Bishop, receives the Rev. Charles Thomas Myers into the priesthood of the Episcopal Church at 11 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 9, at St. John the Baptist Church, 1000 Bethune Drive, Orlando. Brewer, who has served the Diocese since…
[ Read More]They came by the busloads and by car to be a part of the energy of an event that not only commemorated a golden anniversary, but reinvigorated people’s commitment to Jesus Christ. On an historic evening that brought a record-setting crowd (4,000-plus) to First Baptist Church of Orlando, the Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Friday,…
[ Read More]More than five dozen youth started the new year in record-setting style at Camp Wingmann, establishing a new attendance record while learning about the Lord at Winter Camp 2019. Sixty-four youth of various ages turned for the annual event Jan. 4-6 at the spacious retreat in Avon Park, located about 1 ½ hours south of…
[ Read More]Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany February 3, 2019 Lectionary Year C I don’t remember my first sermon as an ordained clergyperson over 40 years ago. Fresh out of seminary, I was called to be an assistant at a modest-sized church. My only preaching experiences prior to that were in homiletics classes and a few times in…
[ Read More]The yard sale at St. David’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Cocoa Beach is so popular that people get up before dawn for a spot in line. The long line for entry into the yard sale at St. David’s -by-the-Sea will form a few hours before the doors open at 8 a.m. on the first day,…
[ Read More]Editor’s note: The following letter was written by Bishop John Howe and read at the Resurrection service for Tali Anderson on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Winter Park. Howe was the third bishop of the diocese, serving from 1990-2012. Anderson served as a former executive assistant for Howe for more than…
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