In 1999 and 2000, the Synod of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and The Episcopal Church USA agreed and ratified a Call to Common Mission. This agreement enabled our two faith-traditions to be in communion with one another. I rejoice that I have been able to live out this common vision on many levels….
[ Read More]Seven years ago, Becky Riley’s love of photography led her to join a photo club that has professional judges and professional photographers who give lessons. One day, Becky received a call that a world-class photographer was coming to the next photo club session. This sounded interesting, so she made sure to attend. When she arrived,…
[ Read More]Dear Friends of Camp Wingmann, There has been a lot of work done at our camp over the years. In fact, the pace of the work has not slowed down since my arrival. Over the last two and a half years, we have completed our cabin renovations with Trail’s End Cabin. We have also completed several…
[ Read More]Happening is a Christian weekend experience presented by teenagers for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership. It is designed for youth in grades 10-12 and sponsored by The Episcopal Church. These weekends are meant to bring students to a fuller personal knowledge of and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and to a…
[ Read More]Bishop Gregory Brewer ordained the following nine candidates as transitional deacons on the evening of January 30 at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke in Orlando: Karl Nicholas Braunschneider, John Garry Edwards, Joshua Michael Gritter, Lauren Renee Ellis Larkin, Zachary David Neubauer, Gladys Rodriguez, Frank Wayne Samuelson, Louise Bernhardt Samuelson, and Ashton Knight Williston. Ordination as a transitional deacon is the final step before becoming…
[ Read More]Although Deacon Becky Chapman is the newest member of the diocesan staff, she has been volunteering in the offices for the last year and a half. Deacon Becky’s broad background in finance, nonprofit development, training, hospitality, and large event management have helped her become the staff utility player. In addition to coordinating catering and hospitality for the last two convention lunches and this year’s convention dinner, she assists in…
[ Read More]On the afternoon of January 15, 2017, the Rev. Adam Young was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Gregory Brewer at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando. Adam will continue to serve on the Cathedral staff, where he has been serving as a transitional deacon. Congratulations to Adam and blessings on his present and future ministry.
[ Read More]On September 27, 2016, Don and Jeanne Weaver from St. David’s by the Sea, Cocoa Beach, displayed 21 original paintings of their son Todd for an event presented by the Central Florida Veterans Memorial Park Foundation. The event was held to thank donors of the Memorial to the Fallen at Lake Nona. Todd Weaver was…
[ Read More]All women in the Diocese of Central Florida are invited to a women’s retreat to be held March 10-12 at Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center. This year’s theme is “Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks,” based on 1 Thessalonians 6:16-18. Sponsored by Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Melbourne, and Church of Our Savior, Palm Bay, the retreat will…
[ Read More]Couple family with faith and you usually can count on some kind of fun. Throw in a little hockey and you have all the makings of a great night. Or three, if you want to attend each of the Faith and Family nights hosted by the Orlando Solar Bears, Feb. 16, 17 and 19. The…
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