Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Kathryn (Katie) Gillett’s article “Blessed Repetition” recently appeared in Anglican Episcopal House of Studies Perspectives for Duke Divinity School, and now the parishioner from St. Mary of the Angels Episcopal Church in Orlando is a Candidate for Holy Orders. Here is her article: O Lord, open thou our lips. And our mouth shall show forth thy praise….

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The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida announced Monday, Sept. 18, that there are multiple ways to reach out and help churches and parishioners affected by Hurricane Irma. The Rev. Canon Tim Nunez, Canon to the Ordinary, said individuals, businesses, and churches are welcome to write a check made out to: Diocese of Central Florida, noting…

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The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida announced its first post-Hurricane Irma plans on Monday, including how to get relief help. Hurricane Irma this past weekend hit the Florida Keys and continued a northward course through the state, impacting numerous counties, including those in the Diocese of Central Florida. “We hope and pray you have made…

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Weather permitting, 11 people from across the Southeastern U.S. will answer the call to the diaconate Saturday at 11 a.m. at The Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 130 N. Magnolia Ave., Orlando. The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida will ordain Karen Geddes Davenport, Sean David Duncan, Gregory Emanuel…

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Episcopal Relief & Development has announced that there are multiple ways for Episcopalians to help those Gulf Coast individuals and businesses that have been impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Krisita Jackson, the ERD’s representative for the Diocese of Central Florida, said folks throughout the diocese can access the ERD’s bulletin insert to see how to share…

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Working for the Lord is akin to rope-climbing up a mountain; it takes teamwork. That was the motto of sorts for the Rev. Loren Fox and his wife, Linda, who last Sunday visited St. Edward’s Episcopal Church in Mount Dora, and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Lakeland for Southwest Deanery Missions Night to share their…

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With the eyes of the nation on Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Diocese of Central Florida announced Tuesday that there are people and businesses everywhere in the Lone Star State that need our help. Flooding has been the biggest concern. Flood waters rise without respect to persons or property. They ruin everything,…

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As a human-rights lawyer whose mission is to advance the status of indigenous women, Dr. Lupe Allyon Ruiz felt an entirely new level of empowerment recently in New York. There, the Shepherd of the Hills Church parishioner got the chance to meet and share her views with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Church…

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A trip to Central America proved to be a heartwarming one this spring for Bishop Greg Brewer of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida. Brewer and Wes Dubic, the Diocese’s Honduras Commission Chairman, traveled to Honduras at the end of May for the Diocese of Honduras’ annual convention and other activities. The duo stayed busy…

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The welcoming nature of the 2017 Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Province IV Retreat helped a Central Florida member feel right at home in one of the biggest events of the year. Danielle Rogers, a member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Daytona Beach and treasurer for ECW Central Florida, was one of approximately 60 women…

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