Central Florida Episcopalian Online

The fight to stop pornography and sexual addiction has come to congregations worldwide, and the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida is on the front lines. Dozens of clergy learned more about the socially powerful topic of sex addiction at the first Clergy Day of the 2017 calendar year at Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center in…

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Writing is a powerful medium in today’s world, and spiritual leaders can now use their writing to reach people further than ever before. Clergy, spiritual directors and lay leaders can learn about the strength of words and the impact they can have outside their congregations when “Beyond Walls: Spiritual Writing at Kenyon” is held July…

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Getting closer to God is a deep-seated goal for those students who journey to the Nashotah House. But it may be the travels away from this esteemed seminary that allow graduates to experience spirituality in its highest form. “Our hope and our goal is always that those who graduate from Nashotah House will help guide…

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Bishop Greg Brewer and the Rev. Charlie Holt will be among the keynote speakers April 19-21 when Positively Evangelical: the 2017 EFAC-USA Conference is held at Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center in Oviedo. The three-day event offers attendees the opportunity to meet evangelicals from across the country, discuss plans and be inspired as well as…

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More than a century after her birth, Orlando’s Mabel Sturges still knows how to enjoy a party. More than 65 people, including many of her fellow residents from Westminster Towers-Lucerne, gathered to celebrate Sturges’ 106th birthday party in the retirement community’s dining room on Saturday, March 11, in downtown Orlando. Well-dressed partygoers sat at pristine…

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The Institute for Christian Studies is pleased to announce that the first Spanish course will be available as an online-class offering soon. The first class to be offered will be Introduction to the Bible. Here is a brief description of the four-part course. Introduction to the Bible – Spanish Language Instruction Part 1 – The…

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In a previous column, I gave a simple challenge for the churches to write letters to our children and teens in the streets. Slowly but steadily, the letters came in. Then one day, we got a package that contained a bunch of letters written by children from a church in a small city in Florida….

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In 1999 and 2000, the Synod of ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and The Episcopal Church USA agreed and ratified a Call to Common Mission. This agreement enabled our two faith-traditions to be in communion with one another. I rejoice that I have been able to live out this common vision on many levels….

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The gorgeous Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Minneapolis will be the venue for The Episcopal Network for Stewardship’s (TENS) annual conference in May, and The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida hopes to see you there. The Journey to Generosity annual conference will be held Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, at historical Saint Mark’s, a…

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Seven years ago, Becky Riley’s love of photography led her to join a photo club that has professional judges and professional photographers who give lessons. One day, Becky received a call that a world-class photographer was coming to the next photo club session. This sounded interesting, so she made sure to attend. When she arrived,…

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