Central Florida Episcopalian Online

At the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, on Oct. 22. 2023, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb installed the Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Smith as canon to the ordinary for the Diocese of Central Florida in a service threaded with one common theme: our enduring hope in Christ. Numerous clergy attended and processed,…

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The Diocese of Central Florida‘s nearly 50-year Companion Diocese relationship with the Diocese of Honduras is just that: a relationship, with giving and receiving on both sides. In fact, the Rt. Rev. Lloyd Allen, bishop of the Diocese of Honduras, put it this way: “We are who we are because of who you are.” But…

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The Rt. Rev. Lloyd Allen, bishop of the Diocese of Honduras, knows the 144 churches of his diocese well. That knowledge, combined with spiritual discernment, has led him to the choice of one church, San Patricio (Saint Patrick’s) in the city of El Progreso as the recipient of this year’s annual Thanksgiving offering from the…

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El Rvmo. Lloyd Allen, obispo de la Diócesis de Honduras, conoce bien las 144 iglesias de su diócesis. Ese conocimiento, combinado con el discernimiento espiritual, lo llevó a elegir una de esas iglesias, la de San Patricio en la ciudad de El Progreso, la cual será receptora de la ofrenda anual de Acción de Gracias…

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Clergy misconduct: No church wants it to happen, yet it does. Every church wants to prevent it, yet can’t do so alone. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb’s decision to appoint the Rev. Dr. Robin Reed, rector of St. Francis of Assisi, Lake Placid, as an additional Title IV intake officer for the Diocese of…

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The other candidates had months to prepare their nomination documents. He had two weeks. The other candidates went through a protracted selection process similar to that of the Diocese of Central Florida in its recent bishop search and election. He was a petitioned nominee whose candidacy became official only after review at the end of…

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Los demás candidatos tuvieron meses para preparar sus documentos de nominación. Él tenía dos semanas. Los otros candidatos pasaron por un proceso de selección prolongado similar al de la Diócesis de la Florida Central en su reciente búsqueda y elección de obispos. Él era un candidato solicitado cuya candidatura se hizo oficial solo después de…

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Mrs. Carrie Brown, a parishioner at St. John the Baptist, Orlando, led a workshop at “It’s All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement” held in Baltimore, Maryland, from July 9-12. The churchwide festival focused on worship, learning, community and action, organized around three topics: evangelism, racial reconciliation and creation care. Brown’s workshop was…

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As director of communications for the diocese, I thought it was important to commemorate and encapsulate the recent consecration of our new bishop. Until June 10, 2023, I had never experienced an ordination and consecration service. That, coupled with my love for Bishop Holcomb and his family, made for a day that I will cherish…

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  What would bring a priest out of semi-retirement and back into full-time ministry? In the case of the Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Smith, who began his tenure as canon to the ordinary for the Diocese of Central Florida on July 1, 2023, it all boils down to one thing. As he puts it, “The…

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