Central Florida Episcopalian Online

  “People are looking for a church that speaks to the concreteness of the world they are living in.” So said The Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson during his Feb. 19 keynote address for the annual Absalom Jones Celebration sponsored by the Canon Nelson Pinder Union of Black Episcopalians Chapter of Central Florida. “I’m often asked…

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On Sept. 4, 2021, the Anglican Diocese of Belize expressed its gratitude via resolutions to The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer and the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida along with The Rev. John Clark, Mrs. Jacki Bailey-Clark and No One Hungry Inc. The resolution to Brewer and the diocese included thanks for the diocese’s ministry…

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The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida, had the opportunity to impact the lives and the preaching of present and future priests through a recent homiletics course he taught at Nashotah House in Nashotah, Wisconsin, with additional diocesan help from The Rev. Cynthia Brust. Titled “Principles of Preaching,” the…

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The headlines and accompanying images sent shock and sadness across the globe. On Aug. 14 of this year, Haiti suffered another devastating earthquake. This natural disaster came on the heels of the assassination of the struggling nation’s president, Jovenel Moise. Many in the Diocese of Central Florida have a strong connection with Haiti and offered…

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The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for girls and women who are communicants in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches. DOK are to offer at all times loyal aid to our clergy, parish, diocese and beyond to spread Christ’s kingdom. We adhere to the Episcopal oversight, and…

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The Central Florida Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians recently recognized the outstanding service of The Rev. Canon Nelson W. Pinder. A May 15 virtual name dedication ceremony was held announcing the chapter’s renaming as The Canon Nelson Pinder UBE Chapter of Central Florida in Pinder’s honor. The webcast included testimonials and tributes by…

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He had a job! The homeless man camping somewhere in the woods just had to share his good news with someone. So he stopped by a familiar place, the food pantry where he has been a regular for a long time. The volunteers celebrated with him, giving him a large bag of food. Without it,…

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They work long hours answering phone calls, taking messages, filing paperwork, and much more. Administrative assistants are the very foundation that strong organizations are built upon. One such organization is the Diocese of Central Florida, which takes time once a year to reward their administrative assistants with a luncheon fit for royals. On Wednesday, April…

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Editor’s note: Each year, the Diocese of Honduras under Bishop Lloyd Allen makes a Thanksgiving offering to a person or organization in need. This year, the Diocese of Honduras has elected to make an offering to the Theological Seminary in Honduras in its effort to raise up good spiritual leaders. Diocesan Theological Education Program Episcopal…

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History continues to be made in the Diocese of Central Florida – on a national stage. Only a few months after being elected national president of Daughters of the King (DOK), St. John-the-Baptist Church’s Krisita Jackson announced that Bishop Greg Brewer has accepted her invitation to be national chaplain for DOK. Jackson appointed Brewer in…

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