Central Florida Episcopalian Online

From liturgy to learning, from presentations to praise and worship, from the Eucharist to elections – all carried out the overarching theme of “For the Churches, for the Gospel” and filled the two days of the 56th annual Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, held Jan. 24-25 at Trinity, Vero Beach. This…

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“Churches exist for the gospel, and our diocese must support the churches in every practical way possible to advance its proclamation.” – Bishop Justin Holcomb   The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, insists that the diocesan office exists for the churches, for the gospel. That commitment…

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The Episcopal Church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany on Jan. 6, 12 days after Christmas. That day commemorates the arrival of the wise men from the East to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn Christ child. It also marks the beginning of Epiphany season, a four- to nine-week period that ends on the…

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The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, ordained five deacons in three separate services in November, with one priest to be ordained Nov. 24 (watch for that story in our December issue). The new deacons are the Revs. Colleen Rothrock, Dan King, Wesny Dubic, Stephen Feibelman and…

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An early autumn evening set the scene for a remarkable event in the Diocese of Central Florida, as nearly 200 people gathered on Oct. 16 to watch and discuss a film dramatically portraying a vibrant contrast between theism and atheism. Several churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, including All Saints, Winter Park; the…

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During the Requiem Eucharist for the Rt. Rev. Dr. Dabney T. Smith on Nov. 11 at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, pointed out that everyone in attendance, regardless of position or responsibility, was there for the same reason:…

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This fall, two deaneries hosted events designed to equip clergy and laity for mission and ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida. Organized by their respective deans, the Very Rev. Deke Miller of the Southwest Deanery, vicar of Holy Cross, Winter Haven; and the Rev. Dr. Porter Taylor, former dean of the Southeast Deanery…

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The Rev. Darin Metz was ordained into the Sacred Order of the Priesthood on Sept. 22 in a service held at Church of the Incarnation, Oviedo. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb presided, and the Rev. Dr. Rob Lord, retired associate priest, Emmanuel, Orlando, preached. Metz was one of seven in the Episcopal Diocese of…

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It began in 1885 as a small group Bible study led by Maggie Franklin, a young wife and mother living in New York, who believed that the women in her church could come together for more than potlucks or sewing circles or charity bazaars. She thought women could encourage each other to grow closer to…

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As coordinator for New Beginnings weekend, the Rev. Kevin Bartle, rector of St. Mary of the Angels, Orlando, and one of three diocesan youth ministry coordinators, never wants the youth in attendance to concern themselves with keeping a schedule. That’s his job. Instead, he wants them to focus on only one thing: getting to know…

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