Central Florida Episcopalian Online

It began in 1885 as a small group Bible study led by Maggie Franklin, a young wife and mother living in New York, who believed that the women in her church could come together for more than potlucks or sewing circles or charity bazaars. She thought women could encourage each other to grow closer to…

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As coordinator for New Beginnings weekend, the Rev. Kevin Bartle, rector of St. Mary of the Angels, Orlando, and one of three diocesan youth ministry coordinators, never wants the youth in attendance to concern themselves with keeping a schedule. That’s his job. Instead, he wants them to focus on only one thing: getting to know…

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The year 2024 is an exciting time in the history of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando. The church is celebrating its establishment as the first worshipping Episcopal parish in Orlando and welcoming others to celebrate as well. This is the 150th year since Frances W. Eppes, grandson of Thomas Jefferson, established the first…

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The month of August saw five ordinations to the Sacred Order of Priests in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, each one holding a unique significance for the newly ordained priests. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb had previously ordained four of the five to the diaconate in a Jan. 11 service at the…

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Each summer, youth from around the Diocese of Central Florida gather to encounter the truth of the gospel and live out their faith. The five-day event called Soul in the City is hosted each year at a different parish, where the youth work on service projects in that community. (For a look at the 2023…

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There’s a lot of darkness in our world today. Unfortunately, the children and youth in the Diocese of Central Florida aren’t exempt from experiencing that darkness. This summer at Camp Wingmann, the theme of “The Darkness and the Light” helped them see and understand how the light of the gospel changes things in their lives….

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The Central Florida deputation to the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church, held June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky, helped make history by electing and confirming the Rt. Rev. Sean W. Rowe as the church’s 28th presiding bishop. However, this significant decision was far from the only way the diocesan bishops and deputies contributed to…

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Throughout Scripture, we see God speaking to His people through visions and dreams. While such experiences may seem less common today, they still happen in powerful ways, as evidenced by the journey of the Rev. Audrey Sutton (or Mother Audrey, as she prefers to be called) and her family. Sutton has been called to serve…

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Being faithful ministers of the gospel means being equipped to minister to the whole person, including mental and emotional needs. As explained in “The Great Dechurching Event,” held Aug. 23, 2023, at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, the church has an opportunity to be a catalyst for that kind of healing and restoration…

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“The Prayer for the Election of a Bishop or other Minister” (Book of Common Prayer, 818) concludes with the following phrase: “that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Consecrated on June 10 of last year, the Rt….

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