Soul in the City, the summer youth mission/service trip for the Diocese of Central Florida, continues to transform local communities as well as the lives of the 50-plus youth and youth leaders who show up for a weeklong community service experience. The youth groups from All Saints’, Lakeland; the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando;…
[ Read More]Treinta y seis estudiantes de secundaria participaron recientemente en tres campamentos patrocinados por Cristo Rey y Jesús de Nazaret, ambas de Orlando, y se enfocaron en prepararlos para carreras después de graduarse. El programa, realizado en tres lugares de tres condados diferentes, se realizó en conjunto con la Renacer Foundation (Renacer en Vida Nueva) y…
[ Read More]Thirty-six high school students recently participated in three camps sponsored by Christ the King, Orlando, and Jesús de Nazaret, Orlando, and focused on preparing them for careers after graduation. The program, conducted in three locations in three different counties, was done in partnership with the Renacer Foundation and made possible through a $150,000 grant from…
[ Read More]As director of communications for the diocese, I thought it was important to commemorate and encapsulate the recent consecration of our new bishop. Until June 10, 2023, I had never experienced an ordination and consecration service. That, coupled with my love for Bishop Holcomb and his family, made for a day that I will cherish…
[ Read More]Civic activism and community service from a faith-based perspective are more than longstanding priorities for the Rev. Charles Myers, rector of St. John the Baptist, Orlando, and new vice president of the Florida Council of Churches. “They’re rooted in and continuing the legacy of this church,” he said of the dual emphases that also characterize…
[ Read More]En la noche del 26 de junio de 2023, aproximadamente 150 personas se reunieron con los representantes de EE. UU., Maxwell Frost, Distrito 9 de Florida, y Darren Soto, Distrito 10 de Florida, en la iglesia Christ the King de Orlando, para honrar a 32 inmigrantes distinguidos y cinco organizaciones comunitarias. El evento, realizado durante…
[ Read More]On the evening of June 26, 2023, approximately 150 people gathered with U.S. Reps. Maxwell Frost, Florida District 9, and Darren Soto, Florida District 10, at Christ the King, Orlando, to honor 32 distinguished immigrants and five community-based organizations. The event, held during National Immigrant Heritage Month, included a number of honorees associated with the…
[ Read More]Are you called to ordained ministry? Do you need clarity about your calling? The Conference on Ministry is designed to help answer those questions as you seek to discern the direction of your vocation as a Christian. On Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023, you have the opportunity to hear presentations from Bishop Holcomb, diocesan staff, priests, deacons…
[ Read More]Churches around the Diocese of Central Florida will soon celebrate the inaugural Canon Nelson Wardell Pinder Commemoration Day. In accordance with a resolution passed at the 54th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Central Florida, the Commemoration Day will be celebrated annually on July 10. In order to allow as many churches as possible to…
[ Read More]La proclamación del evangelio. Un despliegue de naciones, pueblos y lenguas. Oraciones gloriosas y alabanzas a Dios tanto en palabra como en canto. La celebración de la santa Eucaristía. Todos estos elementos se combinaron para dar a las casi dos mil personas que asistieron a la consagración del Rvmo. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, de 49…
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