Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Lent begins with the trace of ashes and the somber words: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 265). It is a season of repentance, reflection and renewal. But it is not merely a time for self-examination – it is an invitation to return to the…

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Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is a major staple of American culture. Few know much about its history, however. Some dismiss Feb. 14 as a “Hallmark holiday” created to indulge the consumerist habits of wealthy Americans; others disdain it as overly romantic and serving little purpose. Yet for the majority of Americans, Valentine’s…

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Epiphany, in which we celebrate God’s light coming into the world, is a significant season in the church year, celebrated across many Christian traditions. The word “epiphany” comes from a Greek word meaning “appearance” or “manifestation.” It reminds us that God’s love didn’t stay hidden. In Christ, God revealed himself – not just to Israel,…

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During Advent, we reflect on the prophecies that preceded the birth of Jesus and how he fulfilled them. This grounds the entire season in the story of God’s people waiting for the coming of the Messiah. God is sovereign over the future, and he alone is capable of telling the future perfectly. God told his…

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Dear Survivors of Abuse, News of abuse can stir up echoes of past wounds, drawing painful memories to the forefront for survivors. We understand that this painful remembering can bring feelings of powerlessness and a sense of being overwhelmed. With this in mind, we write to offer care and comfort, reminding you of the love…

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In the original Greek, Ephesians 1:3-14 is one long and elegant sentence that gathers momentum until it reaches a crescendo. The writer, the apostle Paul, is exuberant that the triune God initiated and accomplished our redemption and reconciliation for “the praise of his glory” (v. 14). In this passage, there are at least 30 references…

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Leadership books come in and go out of style as quickly as the latest fashion or technological gadget. Usually these bestselling books are how-to guides for being a successful leader, manuals for identifying leaders or stories about famous leaders worthy of emulation throughout the course of history. Today’s leaders can learn much – both positive…

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Many leaders have it all wrong. They work hard to motivate the people they lead, but instead, they need to stop demotivating them. This is crucial for leaders to learn, or they will hurt people, discourage them and lead less effective teams. Demands, threats and promises of reward don’t motivate people to work harder or…

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In his 2024 Diocesan Convention address, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb emphasized “the one thing that matters most”: the gospel of Jesus Christ (click here to view Holcomb’s articulation of the gospel during his 2024 Convention address). That gospel knows no age boundaries, a blessing that some in the Diocese of Central Florida…

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Pentecost Sunday is the commemoration and celebration of the receiving of the Holy Spirit by the early church as recorded in Acts 2. In that chapter, Jesus’ promise of the Spirit (John 14:15-31) becomes a reality as the Spirit descends on the disciples at Pentecost. The disciples “began to speak in other tongues” (Acts 2:4b),…

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