Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Dozens of people from around the world are expected to converge upon Kenyon College this summer to learn how to put their faith into words. Sarah Kahrl, director of Kenyon Institute, announced that registration is going strong for “Beyond Walls: Spiritual Writing at Kenyon,” which will be held July 9-15 at the picturesque Kenyon College…

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The Rev. Robin Morical still remembers the painful bonds of depression and the hopelessness and despair that resulted. She longed for healing and ultimately found it through Jesus Christ. More than 20 years later, Morical continues to use her knowledge of her own healing and the power of transformation through Christ in special healing schools….

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COCOA BEACH – Jeanne Weaver has traveled the world. She has seen her artwork published. But her biggest adventure may have come only after she returned to the church she frequented as far back as 1955 and that hosted her wedding in 1970. Now many of the walls in St. David’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church bear…

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The Institute for Christian Studies is pleased to announce that the first Spanish course will be available as an online-class offering soon. The first class to be offered will be Introduction to the Bible. Here is a brief description of the four-part course. Introduction to the Bible – Spanish Language Instruction Part 1 – The…

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Seven years ago, Becky Riley’s love of photography led her to join a photo club that has professional judges and professional photographers who give lessons. One day, Becky received a call that a world-class photographer was coming to the next photo club session. This sounded interesting, so she made sure to attend. When she arrived,…

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[Episcopal News Service] What began as a small gathering with a big dream has transformed into a commitment by millions of Christians around the world to pray for one another. First begun in 1908, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs Jan.18-25 with hundreds of celebrations and gatherings: from Houston to Boston; Waterloo, Belgium,…

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What is prayer? How does it influence my daily life and yours? Looking at my prayer life made me ask, “What is the action of prayer?” There had to be a place to start searching for the answer to that question. Then it hit me: just go to the holy scriptures. We all know that…

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“If you are a Christian, your family is not just the people with the same last name as you, but those baptized in the same name as you. “ The above quote is from the Rev. Sam Allberry—a priest in the Church of England. Although it is not unusual for a bishop in The Episcopal…

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“He entered Jericho and was passing through it. A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see…

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Anyone who has been a Christian for more than a day recognizes that God works in mysterious and unpredictable ways. Sometimes, however, the full extent of his mysterious and unpredictable intervention in our lives is not fully apparent until later, sometimes years later. As one who has passed his 70th birthday, I am only now…

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