Central Florida Episcopalian Online

“I have come that they may have life and life more abundantly” John 10:10 My husband, the Rev. Pedro N. Lopez, my two sons, and I currently serve in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, at St. Peter’s-San Pedro in Pasadena, which has a large Mexican population. Today our church is a bilingual-bicultural congregation with two…

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The Rev. Charles L. “Chaz” Howard, university chaplain at the University of Pennsylvania, began by stating that his message was taken from Isaiah 2. Isaiah spoke of the “mountain of the Lord” (verse 3, NIV). Isaiah saw the nations going to the mountain and saying, “He will teach us his ways, so that we may…

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One of the greatest privileges of ministry is having a front-row seat to the life change that happens when God is at work in someone’s life. Ministry goes beyond our job to a calling that brings us purpose and fulfillment. We become swept up in the adventure and excitement of seeing God move and change…

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