Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Photos Credit: Marcia Lambert St. Luke’s, Merritt Island, is partnering with I Love My Island Inc. to support A Run Through Paradise 5K on Saturday, Sept. 25. This is the third year St. Luke’s has been involved with the fundraiser for the local charity. I Love My Island Inc. provides and promotes resources for seniors…

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On Wednesday and Thursday, July 21-22, 70 youth and youth workers took part in this year’s “Soul in the City Reimagined” in Lakeland and Orlando. The event, sponsored by the Youth Ministry Institute, included service projects and networking. On Wednesday, the group gathered at Lakeland’s All Saints’ and partnered with the Dream Center, The Salvation…

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Are you called to ordained ministry? Do you need clarity about your calling as a layperson? The Conference on Ministry is designed to help answer those questions as you seek to discern the direction of your vocation as a Christian. On Saturday, August 28, 2021, you have the opportunity to hear presentations from Bishop Brewer, diocesan…

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On Sunday, April 25, 2021, The Rt. Rev. Gregory Brewer ordained The Rev. Ángel Jesus López to the priesthood at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Kissimmee. The entire service can be viewed on YouTube. Join in the celebration! Just click the play button above.

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The times have changed and so has ministry funding. What can you do to adapt to the new philanthropic landscape, grow your people spiritually, and fully fund your mission? The Central Deanery invites you to The Generosity Conference, Thursday, May 6, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm at All Saints Episcopal Church in Winter Park. If…

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If you attended 2020 vestry training, this is not a rehash of the same material! If you are going to serve, do so effectively, collaboratively, and compassionately! The PowerPoint slides, handouts, and videos of the sessions held on February 27 and March 13 are available below. Part 1: Held on February 27th Everything They Didn’t…

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Over the past four years, The Rev. José Rodríguez and the Iglesia Episcopal Jesús de Nazaret in the Azalea Park neighborhood of Orlanod have stepped up to lead the community with voter drives and natural disaster relief. Now, the church is on the front lines of the effort to combat COVID-19, conducting a series of…

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In a society overflowing with negative messages about physical appearance and personal worth, children’s body image is an urgent issue. Children need to know God made their bodies and made them special. Parents and caregivers have the privilege and opportunity to help children understand that God crafted them with care and intentionality. This is foundational…

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Originally from Kenya, The Rev. Samuel Nsengiyumva was called to be the new rector at Holy Trinity, Fruitland Park. He previously served congregations in Maryland, Wisconsin and Indiana after arriving in the United States in 1998. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies with minors in Christian ministries and community development from Daystar University…

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  “O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which had grown old are being made new, and that all…

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