Central Florida Episcopalian Online

When the Holy Spirit speaks, it pays to listen. The Rev. Canon Ellis Brust, rector of St. Andrew’s, Fort Pierce, has a special reason to embrace that truth after a recent divine encounter. On Sunday, Jan. 15, Brust sensed that God was impressing something on him as he prepared to baptize three children. “We had…

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The 54th annual Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Central Florida both celebrated and embodied its theme, “Entering a Future With Hope.” This was the final Convention as bishop for the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, who announced his mandatory retirement at last year’s Diocesan Convention. He is set to retire in July following the…

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There is an old proverb on the concept of sankofa from the Akan tribe in Ghana that translates loosely to English: “It is not wrong to go back to what you have forgotten.” Derived from the words for “return” (san), “go” (ko) and “seek and take” (fa), sankofa’s symbol is a bird whose feet are…

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“For us, ‘historic’ does not mean we are a museum for the past, but rather that God has given to us a significant responsibility for the present and the future of our community.” Holy Cross, Sanford, is holding true to this declaration on the church website, marking its 150th anniversary this April with a celebration…

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All Saints, Winter Park, was the setting for the 2023 Mockingbird Orlando Conference, The Urgency of Grace, held Jan. 20 and 21. “One hundred seventy-five Christians, young and old, male and female, attended,” said Mockingbird founder and conference speaker David Zahl. “I was very pleased that the demographics were split 50/50.” “The primary goal of…

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En una elección marcada tanto por la unidad como por la diversidad, la Diócesis de la Florida Central eligió al Rvdo. Canónigo Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, de 49 años, como su quinto obispo. Holcomb, quien ha servido a la diócesis como canónigo de vocaciones desde 2013, fue elegido el 14 de enero en la primera…

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In an election marked by both unity and diversity, the Diocese of Central Florida has elected the Rev. Canon Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, 49, as its fifth bishop. Holcomb, who has served the diocese as canon for vocations since 2013, was elected on Jan. 14 on the first ballot out of a slate of three…

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Theological. Practical. Pastoral. Anglican. These four words capture the heart of the Cranmer Lecture series, co-sponsored by the Diocese of Central Florida, with funding via a grant received from Lilly Endowment Inc., and Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando, Oviedo. Named after Thomas Cranmer, first archbishop of Canterbury and compiler of the Book of Common Prayer, the…

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We all need to take time every once in a while to reset and refresh, and it’s no different for our children and youth. That’s exactly what happened for many from across the diocese over the first weekend in January at Winter Camp at Camp Wingmann. The camp provided students the opportunity to get away…

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Parents have become increasingly dissatisfied with K-12 education. A recent Gallup study has shown a steady decrease in satisfaction levels. Since reaching a high of 51% in 2019, satisfaction has dropped to 42%, the lowest level in two decades. However, Episcopal schools continue to help students thrive intellectually, physically and spiritually, preparing them for the…

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