Central Florida Episcopalian Online

When the national shutdown that accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic strained communications efforts, St. George Episcopal Church in The Villages sprang into action, developing a strategy to keep church members connected. To that end, the church launched the “Musings on Faith” podcast, which has quickly gained popularity, in the fall of 2020. The show, hosted by…

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Rev. Rick Burhans’ final Sunday as rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Port Orange, on May 30, 2021, marked the end of an era for Burhans and his wife, Carolyn, now retiring and moving to North Carolina. But that era, and the Burhanses’ relationship with the church, extends much further back than the 13 years Rick…

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  No one can say The Rev. Cynthia Brust isn’t up for a challenge. Not only did she and her husband, The Rev. Canon Ellis Brust, accept new positions in the Diocese of Central Florida and move from Kansas in the throes of the pandemic, but she also embarked on a huge ministry project in…

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The Rev. Dan Smith, rector of Holy Cross in Sanford and former canon to the ordinary in the Diocese of Missouri, serves as a consultant to the Diocese of Central Florida.   Like all of us, I have been giving a lot of thought lately to what the church and the congregation I serve will…

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“Sounds like what my granny would say.” “They just think that way because they’re old and have forgotten what it’s like to be young.” “Those young people just don’t think about the consequences.” Have you ever heard someone in your parish make those comments? Or maybe you have had similar thoughts but kept them to…

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The Central Florida Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians recently recognized the outstanding service of The Rev. Canon Nelson W. Pinder. A May 15 virtual name dedication ceremony was held announcing the chapter’s renaming as The Canon Nelson Pinder UBE Chapter of Central Florida in Pinder’s honor. The webcast included testimonials and tributes by…

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You might say The Rev. Becky Toalster, rector of Holy Trinity, Bartow, was born for Cursillo. Her family and church heritage in the movement stretch back for many years. “My parents attended Cursillo in this diocese when I was about 3,” she said, adding, “I grew up in a very Cursillo-centric congregation, St. Stephen’s in…

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A military term coined during the 17th century, “front line” referred to the closest proximity to enemy engagement. While it seems strange at first glance to use military lingo during seasons of crisis among civilians, the term captures two essential elements of war: an enemy and a hero. For over a year, a new kind of battle has…

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For many in Volusia County, Thursdays are days of joyful anticipation. That’s when they know “Mr. Lou” or “Mr. Hallelujah” will appear at the door with fresh fruits and vegetables! This deliverer is Louis Carter, an enthusiastic friend of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church’s Faith at Work (FAW) Center, who extends the ministry’s helping arms beyond…

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For the first time in over a year, members of the Central Florida Episcopal Schools Association (CFESA) met in person. On April 29, the CFESA held its annual meeting at Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center. The Rev. Russell Wohlever, president of the CFESA and associate rector at All Saints, Winter Park, organized the event. “It…

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