Central Florida Episcopalian Online

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of Central Florida wants to hear from all parishes of the Diocese of Central Florida so that it can share the good news in its newsletter. “Here we are in the Easter season,” said Elizabeth Herrick, president of the ECW for the Diocese of Central Florida, in a news release….

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Second Sunday of Easter Sunday, April 28, 2019 Lectionary C  John 20:19-31 Peace be with you. The doors were locked, but Jesus came. As he spoke peace, he showed the disciples his hands and his side. Only the one who bears the injuries we deserve can say: “Peace be with you.” He, alone, knows the…

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Easter Day Sunday, April 21, 2019 Lectionary C Luke 24:1-12 There’s No Easter bunny. No Easter basket. No jelly beans. No hollow chocolate bunnies. No marshmallow peeps. No died eggs. No colored eggs. No candy-filled eggs. No plastic grasses. No Easter cards. But there are some things that always bring the Easter story home. The stone rolled…

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Holy Trinity Episcopal in Melbourne will celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday in multiple ways as Christians worldwide remember the last days of Jesus’s life on Earth. On the heels of Palm Sunday on April 14 – the first day of Holy Week – a Tenebrae service on Monday, April 15, a Eucharist service on Wednesday,…

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Reenactments of famous battles are common throughout America, but restaging a religious event is rather unique, especially if it’s right here in Central Florida. St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Titusville is set to celebrate its 150th anniversary in a special way on Good Friday when it reenacts the first Episcopal service in North Brevard. The…

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Fifth Sunday in Lent Sunday, April 7, 2019 Lectionary C Luke 19:28-40 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 The Liturgy of the Palms is an exciting and joyous way to begin Holy Week. Like Jesus’ first followers, we celebrate our triumphant and victorious king with a procession of palms and interjections of joy — “Hosannah, Lord, hosannah!” (Psalm…

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Fifth Sunday in Lent Sunday, April 7, 2019 Lectionary C John 12:1-8 As we transition from the reception and celebration of the return of the prodigal son to attend a dinner prepared in Jesus’s honor, let’s evaluate the venue and the dinner guests. Jesus and the 12 (disciples) are on their way to Jerusalem to celebrate…

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Church of Our Saviour in Okeechobee will be checking out the fun at Camp Wingmann on Saturday, May 4, when a family caravan makes the trek to Avon Park. Deacon Kay Mueller on Tuesday, April 2, announced that multiple families will be driving to the popular youth retreat for a special tour of the facilities…

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St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church parishioner Chris Johnston loved doing for others, especially the down-and-out. And he did so right until the very end. The 63-year-old Johnston, who was instrumental in bringing local AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) groups to St. Gabriel’s for weekly meetings and assisted with the church’s food pantries, was murdered…

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More than 1,200 people learned a little bit about history and enjoyed an array of soups and baked goods last month during the 2019 Merritt Island Pioneer Day. Pioneer Day, held on Feb. 9, is a joint partnership between St. Luke’s and Sams House on Merritt Island – the Management and Education Center for the…

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