Central Florida Episcopalian Online

“As a deacon in the Church, you are to … make Christ and his redemptive love known” (Book of Common Prayer, 543). Not only was that phrase from the service for the ordination of a deacon used in the examination of seven Diocese of Central Florida transitional deacons on the evening of Jan. 11 at…

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St. Gabriel’s, Titusville, was awarded a $34,800 matching reimbursement grant for a new roof from the City of Titusville’s Community Redevelopment Agency on Nov. 14. The CRA offers grants of up to $40,000. St. Gabriel’s will receive the money after the roof is complete and all receipts have been submitted. “After two storms came through…

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For many of us, the daily commute is a time to catch up on our favorite podcasts, make a few calls or listen to oldies while drinking a latte. Commutes are leisurely “alone time” as we drive through suburbia, stopping as school crossing guards let young children cross an intersection. But this is not “normal”…

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The Rev. Kevin Bartle, rector of St. Mary of the Angels, Orlando, officially began his position as one of three new youth ministry coordinators for the Diocese of Central Florida on Jan. 1. But thanks to a last-minute invitation, he attended a Province IV Youth Ministry Leadership and Network Meeting held Nov. 30-Dec. 3 at…

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If you’ve made some resolutions for 2024, consider this: Like other exercises of raw willpower, most New Year’s resolutions fail miserably. According to research, only 8% of Americans who make resolutions stick with them. In fact, the research also reveals that 77% of people maintain their resolution for the first week, but only 19% for…

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On Monday, Dec.  5, seven students gathered for a week-long iconography class hosted by the St. David’s Institute at St. David’s-by-the-Sea, Cocoa Beach. The third of its type taught by Jeanne Weaver, artist-in-residence for SDI and board member of The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts, the class is part of what seems to be a…

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God has opened up an exciting new avenue for St. Michael’s, Orlando, to serve its community. The church, located in College Park, held the first meeting of its mental-health support group, Holding Hope, on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. This special group is being established for those 18 years and older to provide a…

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The Advent season highlights some staggering, life-giving truths about infant Jesus. Scriptures call baby Jesus Immanuel (God with us) and the Savior. Christmas itself is all about God becoming human—the incarnation. This central doctrine of our faith makes two amazing claims: Jesus is truly God, and Jesus is fully human. These two truths are essential…

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“Lord, what will you have me do?” This question, taken from the motto of The Order of the Daughters of the King, served as the impetus for a life lived to the glory of God. Krisita Anne Jackson, who died Dec. 1 at age 71 in an Orlando hospital, was a gifted lay leader whose…

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The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith, newly appointed by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb as part-time assisting bishop for the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, has a unique view of the primary focus and goal of his role, which Holcomb described as “enhancing what my office can offer in terms of pastoral care and…

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