Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Summertime is almost here and that means preparation for a very popular activity for Episcopal churches across Central Florida: Vacation Bible School (VBS). Open to youth of various ages and featuring biblical themes such as “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” and “Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity,” among others, VBS camps begin in June, with some offered…

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Easter Day is the highest-attended church day of the year, according to the Christian Post. And the Diocese of Central Florida is readying for the onslaught of parishioners in both the run-up (Holy Week) to and for the start of the Easter season. Bishop Greg Brewer is set to make three appearances – two during…

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For more than 120 years, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Auburndale has served Jesus in many ways. But its mission to feed the hungry may be this Polk County church’s greatest Godly contribution. For 45 years, the church’s food pantry, named the Pantry Shelf, has served the East Polk community, according to Father John Gullett,…

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When outreach committee members from the St. John’s Episcopal Church of Kissimmee noticed local homeless people walking around with holes in their sneakers, no soles, and dirty socks, they decided to take action. A few years ago committee members started putting up cardboard cutouts of shoes in church. Parishioners would then decide what size shoes…

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MELBOURNE – What started as a devotional session and healing prayers for the residents of Trinity Towers South has blossomed into two totally different ministries for different audiences – thanks to a Psalms coloring book and more. “At Trinity Towers South, I wasn’t getting anyone (to come) to the devotionals I was leading once a month,”…

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Administrative assistants are the lifeblood of the Diocese of Central Florida, and their hard work is set to be rewarded. For the seventh consecutive year, St. John-the-Baptist Church, 1000 Bethune Drive, Orlando will hold its annual Administrative Assistants Luncheon to honor people who serve administratively throughout the diocese. This year’s event will be held from…

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Although the economy is steadily improving, millions of people are still looking for jobs, and millions more are not making enough to make ends meet. According to an article in thebalance.com https://www.thebalance.com/current-u-s-unemployment-rate-statistics-and-news-3305733, the unemployment rate in America is 4.1 percent. Higher still is the underemployment rate of 12.5 percent, according to a www.statista.com report last…

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OVIEDO – In many ways, the ordination of Tom Morgan Phillips to the priesthood felt more like a homecoming than an official introduction into the priesthood. After all, it was just three years ago that Phillips’ school of biblical studies, Emmaus Ministries, was in danger of losing its home in North Carolina. “We moved here…

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Jesus once said: “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” One of Christ’s most famous teachings about the power of prayer and faith continues to be…

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It has been 54 years since the bombing at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, killed four young African-American girls, setting off civil unrest and condemnation. Although the white supremacist terrorist act helped lead to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, similar criminal acts have followed over the years, showing…

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