Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Episcopal churches across Central Florida will stay busy from Lent through Easter, holding a number of services as Christians reflect on Jesus’ sojourn in the wilderness and His crucifixion and resurrection. The 2018 Lent season begins Wednesday, Feb. 14, with Ash Wednesday, and ends Saturday, March 31, with Holy Saturday. Holy Week runs Sunday, March…

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The Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida would like to thank all of its churches and ministries for their financial support as we work in God’s good graces. The Diocese’s continuing commitment to strong ministry would not be possible without the giving from its churches. With the new year upon us, the Diocese has released a…

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Flower lovers can learn all about new designs for sanctuary, home and garden when the 10th annual Flower Seminar is held Friday, Feb. 2, at Saint Peter the Fisherman Church, 4220 Saxon Drive, New Smyrna Beach. A benefit for Saint Peter’s Flower Guild and outreach programs, the Flower Seminar begins with a brunch at 9…

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Oviedo area churches, ministries and retreats will be springing into action this March when they come together to learn how to better serve the community. Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center executive director, the Rev. Dr. Jon Davis, announced that “Oviedo Gathering” for Unity in our Community will be held Sunday, March 24, on the grounds…

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Motown lovers in the Diocese of Central Florida can check out some good music at 3 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 18, when Greta Pope and the Spaniels Forever put on a concert at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Orlando. A Cincinnati native, Pope is an American jazz singer who has traveled around the world….

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Golfers can hit the course for some great prizes and, more importantly, for a good cause when the Camp Wingmann Sixth Annual Golf Tournament is held at 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 17, at River Greens Golf Course, located next door to Camp Wingmann in Avon Park. A fundraiser for Camp Wingmann, a popular retreat for…

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Deacon John Clark of St. Gabriel’s Episcopal in Titusville truly felt called by God to make his recent mission trip to Belize, a country on the eastern coast of Central America known for its extensive, coral Barrier Reef and fall celebrations, among other things. “I woke up from a dream where God said, ‘Go to…

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The mere aroma of wild game dinners leaves an indelible impression on those who visit the Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center during the holidays. That trend continued on Saturday, Dec. 16, when the Oviedo retreat hosted its fifth annual Holiday Wild Game Dinner. Scores of people turned out for the year-end fundraiser, which featured an…

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The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of the Diocese of Central Florida announced that United Thank Offering (U.T.O.) 2018 grant applications are now being taken. The grant focus and criteria for 2018 are: “Becoming Beloved Community: Racial Healing, Reconciliation and Justice” (Becoming the Beloved Community is rooted in the Jesus Movement). Those interested in the grant…

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One of the nation’s rising sopranos in the world of opera will be coming to a church in the Diocese of Central Florida in early January. Virginia Mims, the daughter of Grammy Award-winning Marilyn Mims, will put on a concert at 7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 5, 2018 at St. James Episcopal Church, 38 S. Halifax…

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