Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Get to know your Diocesan Staff. Meet Caroline Miller. Caroline, what is your position with the diocese? I am the assistant to the Canon for Vocations. I do a lot of administrative work—emailing, scheduling, and so on—but I also do research and maintain the library. A big part of my job is helping people in…

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Come join in the celebration at St. Luke’s Cathedral in Orlando, January 30, 7 p.m. Here is the list of ordinands to the transitional diaconate: Karl “Nick” Braunschneider: St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Auburndale John Garry Edwards: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Haines City Joshua Gritter: St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Lake Mary Lauren Renee Ellis Larkin: Cathedral…

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About this year’s clergy conference, Father Andrew Petiprin recalls: “Each year we see more collegiality than the year before. It is a required event every October for most of our clergy, but it is also one that most of us eagerly look forward to. We deliberately build in a lot of time to relax and…

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[Episcopal News Service] What began as a small gathering with a big dream has transformed into a commitment by millions of Christians around the world to pray for one another. First begun in 1908, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs Jan.18-25 with hundreds of celebrations and gatherings: from Houston to Boston; Waterloo, Belgium,…

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On October 28, Irish balladeer Ken McBride held a concert at St. George Church in The Villages to benefit its mission in Haiti. Two hundred and ninety people were in attendance and $4,500 was raised. St. George is a member of the Episcopal Partnership Program and supports St. Thomas Church in Arcahaie and its rector,…

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What is prayer? How does it influence my daily life and yours? Looking at my prayer life made me ask, “What is the action of prayer?” There had to be a place to start searching for the answer to that question. Then it hit me: just go to the holy scriptures. We all know that…

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On February 18, 2017, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Maitland will have a day of presentations, conversations, and music honoring the legacy of Absalom Jones, the first black Episcopal priest, an abolitionist, and a community servant. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. To register, please…

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In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit will come with power on his disciples and that they shall be his witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. At Church of Our Savior, Palm Bay, this promise is captured in the phrase, “When the Spirit comes, the people…

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“If you are a Christian, your family is not just the people with the same last name as you, but those baptized in the same name as you. “ The above quote is from the Rev. Sam Allberry—a priest in the Church of England. Although it is not unusual for a bishop in The Episcopal…

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              Christ the King Episcopal Church is ministering God’s love and cultivating faith through the following upcoming events. Christmas Eve, December 24 6:30 p.m. Family Service 10:00 p.m. Candlelight Service Christmas Morning, December 25 10:00 a.m. The Boar’s Head Christmas Festival The story of Christ’s triumph over sin! January…

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